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Self Chamber

Mental Warfare

What Is UNDERSTANDING? & How Does It Apply 2 SELF?

The Definition Of UNDERSTANDING Is: KNOWLEDGE & Ability 2 Judge. But Let's Go Further Than That. 2 Understand Something Is 2 Comprehend It. But In Order 2 Comprehend Something YOU Must Have The "Capacity" Of KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM. Without The Other Two, UNDERSTANDING Cannot Exist. UNDERSTANDING Is The Production of Obtaining KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM. Therefore:


How Do You Apply UNDERSTANDING 2 Self? By Gaining KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM. You Must Seek For The KNOWLEDGE Of The UNIVERSE or The WU. Gaining This KNOWLEDGE Is Vital For SELF. What Do I Mean? I Am Basically Stating That This KNOWLEDGE Is Needed 2 Understand Who YOU Are & What Place YOU Belong In The Order Of Not Only This Society & Planet, But This UNIVERSE. The Original MAN & WOMAN Have This "Capacity" & This "Capacity" Is Unlimited. Scholars Refer To It As The Mind. WE Refer 2 It as The Third Eye, The All Seeing. UNDERSTANDING Is Therefore A Part Of The Mind(3rd Eye) Vital 2 Comprehending KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, SELF, & The UNIVERSE.


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