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Choose YOUR Weapon

You Are Currently In The Center of The BeeHive. Here You Are Given A Choice of Weaponary 2 Do Battle Againist Your Biggest Enemy...YourSELF. The First Weapon Is The Fist. It Is Entitled CHAMBER HALL. Upon Choosing This Weapon, YOU Will Be Elevated 2 The Realm of The Third Eye. This Realm Contains The Thought Process of The Gods of 1906. The Second Weapon Is The Mask. It Is Entitled KNOWLEDGE GOD. Upon Choosing This Weapon, You Will Be Elevated 2 The Realm of Verbal Combat. You Will Also Be Trained In The Art of Chameleon. This Tactic Is Needed In Order 2 Complete The Process of Mental Armageddon. The Third Weapon Is The Sword. It Is Entitled TEMPLE of RA. Upon Choosing This Weapon, You Will Be Elevated 2 The Realm of Tactical Warfare. Here You Will Be Trained In The Art of The Sphere. Choose Your Weapon Wisely.




1906 GueSTBook MaNUaL