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CULTURE is simply a way of life. The identification of your ways, actions and the interaction on the planet Earth. The "true culture" of the Blackman is I.S.L.A.M.(I Self Lord and Master). FREEDOM or Free Dome. It Is Exactly What It Is...A FREEDOME. Obtaining 1 2 & 3 or KNOWLEDGE WISDOM UNDERSTANDING Will Enable YOU To Obtain A Free Dome. "YOUR Dome" Is The Place Where YOUR MIND Dwells. It Is Usually Identified With The Skull. That Is The Dome That Must Be Freed From The Devil's Mind State That Has Previously Had Total Control Over YOUR Every Move, Every Thought Pattern & Every UnJustifible Act. That Mind State Has Kept YOU In A State of Servitude or (Commonly Known) SLAVERY. 1 Must Break The Festering Chains of Servitude Contained Within The MIND To Obtain The Utopian State of FREEDOM. Release Yo' SELF!