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Chamber Of Atonement

Bless YOU

Explain What KNOWLEDGE Is.

Bless YOU.

KNOWLEDGE Is Complete UNDERSTANDING Or Clear Perception Of TRUTH. 2 Reach Complete UNDERSTANDING, YOU Must Posses WISDOM. This Shown When


Before YOU Can Build A House, YOU Need Bricks. 2 Make Bricks, YOU Need Mortar & H20. BALANCE Preceedes Crawling, As Crawling Preceedes Walking. KNOWLEDGE Is The Foundation Of Living & Without It, Steps 2 UNDERSTANDING Are Impossible.

Humans Need OXYGEN Like Trees Need CARBON DIOXIDE. WE Exhale [O2] & Trees Release [O]. [GROWTH]. Cummulus's Form, Releases Precipitation; 'Ra' Shines, Causes Evaporation; Cummulus's Reform. [GROWTH]. LIFE Is Circle, 360 degrees( 120 + 120 + 120 = 360), In Which Everything Has A Dependent &/Or Inverse. In Retrospecting, Even KNOWLEDGE Has 360 degrees, But 1 Must Posses An Open Awareness Of His/Her Own Ignorance.

Bless YOU.

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