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Beware Of The Death Trap

Allow Me 2 Explain The Attribute Of Peter Parker. Peter Parker Is A Fictional Young Man. He Is A College Student, Just As I Am. 1 Day, While Doing An Experiment, He Was 'Bitten' By A Radioactive Spider. From That Point On, He Was Never The Same. He Now Possessed Many Abilities, But The Most Important Of These Abilities is His 'Spider Sense.' His 'Spider Sense,' Or Sixth Sense, His Other Abilities Would Be Useless. He Is A Whole & Complete Man Who Is Able 2 Help Others. The Correlation With MYSELF Is Almost Similar. Although I Was Not Bitten By A Spider, I Was 'Bitten' By A Friend Who Open My Eyes 2 The Amazing Potential Of My Spider Sense, Which Is The Third Eye. Like Parker, I Am Now A Whole Person Who Helps Others. I Don't Swing From A Web, But I Alert People 2 What Is Really Going On Around Them. I Use My Ability 2 Unlock The Powers Of The Third Eye In Others. With The Third Eye, You Will, In A Sense, Be Able 2 Watch YOUR Own Back & Be Alert 2 The Death Traps That Are Set 2 Make YOU Fail In LIFE. Be Strong, Be WISE, & Listen 2 The Voice Or The Feeling That Speaks 2 YOU From Within. Your Third Eye Speaks, But Do YOU Listen?



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