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An Alessandro Del Piero And Filippo Inzaghi Fan Website

Guys this is the section where you guys can contribute to show how much you love Alex and Pippo. Just send them in to me with the subject "Fan Art" and I will put them up, giving you full 100% credit and promise not to steal any of your art. If you don't trust me than you should mark it with your name or your website address. I want to give out awards too but we have to wait for a while for more entries, okay?

This is mine which looks pretty crafty, huh? This is what I mean if you want no one to steal your art. Well, it looks really cute. LOL! More art are coming up, please be patient.

Well guys, I promise you new art and here they are. They look quite simple, don't they? I'm still waiting for some art guys! I'm working on more art, ok? Ciao!


OK, I know, Paolo Maldini and Alessandro Nesta is not suppose to be here but I just thought that they also needed to be seen. I hope you enjoy them, though.

Click this thumbnail to view the actual size.

SALUTE! That's all I have to say about this art that was sent by Effie Nikitas in Sydney, Australia. She has contributed quite a lot for this website and I really like to thank you, Effie. Great Work!