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Building Designers Association of Queensland Inc.
Sunshine Coast Branch

Sunshine Coast Branch
Coming Events

7.30pm - Last Wednesday of each month at Nambour RSL
Contact :
Siobhan Glennon on 5448 8850 - To book your Dinner Reservation


September Sponsor is CAROMA
October Sponsor is PIONEER Products
November Sponsor is EXTON Building Panels & Livingstone Surveys
January Sponsor is ?
February Sponsor is HARDIE Products
March Sponsor is Sunshine Coast Certification Group


The Draft Planning Scheme is available for public comment until September 7th.
All members are urged to examine this document and lodge their individual submissions by the closing date.

Our Branch has purchased Copies which are available to members.
A Committee will be required to examine sections of the Plan in detail and then report back to the Executive so that we can formulate our submission by the closing date.
Members wishing to participate should contact Debbie Johnson on 5448 8850 or