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The Shattered Castle


Cyric (SEER-ick) is a god born of the events of the Time of Troubles. He gained his portfolio of power from many old evil gods, such as Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul, though he's also taken over the portfolios of other gods he's killed. His power base is immense , and he is one of the three greater powers of evil in Faerun. The destruction of Zhentil Keep, along with many of the rest of the woes of Faerun, may be laid at his feet.

Cyric had created an artifact known as the Cyrinishad in an effort to gain complete control over Faerun. Any being (including gods) who is unfortunate enough to read it's pages becomes bound into believeing that Cyric is the most important being in the universe, exceeding all others. They subsequintly become devout followers of Cyric, as they believe nothing happens without his direct intervention. No being can ever be immune to the effects of the Cyrinishad. Hearing the pages read causes the same effects.

Cyric was the first to read the Cyrinishad (which was scribed by a bard named Rinda) and as a result, was the first to be driven mad by it. While he was insane his church suffered noticeably, as the clergy were constantly at each other's throats, and he was brought up on charges of neglecting his duty as a god by Tempus (after some urging by Mask). He did however manage to drive Mystra's patriarch, Adon, completely insane, leading to him killing himself, as well as destroying the love between Mystra and Kelemvor.

Cyric's witness, a man named Malik, was supposed to recover the Cyrinishad in time for the trial so that he could read it before the assembled gods, making them Cyric's slaves. During the course of his quest he heard of another book, The True Life of Cyric, that had the opposite effects of the Cyrinishad, as it told Cyric's truthful story. From his birth in Zhentil Keep to his rise to godhood. He decided to recover this book instead in the hope that it would cure his beloved god of his insanity. It did. Now Cyric is more dangerous than ever.

Cyric's Personality

Cyric is petty and quite self-centered. He enjoys tricking and misleading both well-meaning and corrupt individuals and then revealing his deceit when they have made some fatal mistake in judgement or taken a personally devastating course of action that will ruin their lives. His favorite libation is the tears of disillusioned dreamers and broken-hearted lovers, which he drinks from a silver chalice encrusted with tiny rubies in the shape of sundered hearts. Cyric also deeply hates the other gods, most especially Mystra and Kelemvor.

Abilities of Forgotten Realms Dieties

Abilities of Greater Powers

In addition to the abilities detailed above, greater powers can do practically anything. They stand at the top of the pyramid of deific power, and thier resources are nearly limitless.

Cyrc's Avatar

(Thief: 35, Mage: 21, Cleric: 20, Fighter: 8)

Cyric has most often appeared on Faerun as a slim man with blazing dark eyes and chalk-white skin who speaks caustically and sarcastically, and acts duplicitously but with firm purpose. He uses spells from any sphere or school, but typically refuses to have his avatar raise dead, reincarnate, or resurrect anyone. Illusion/Phantasm spells cast by Cyric are at triple normal effect and incur a -3 penalty to saving throws against them.

**NOTE: THAC0 & AC are set. Avatars recieve no "to hit" bonuses for Strength or magical items/weapons, though they do recieve damage bonuses. Thier fists are considered +5 weapons for purposes of determining what they can hit. Any armor they wear is for show.

**NOTE: Many of the limitations placed on normal charectors based on thier abilities do not apply to avatars. (ex. Max # spells/level, Level of spells he can learn, Dexterity AC bonus, etc. ).


Saving Throws

Special Attacks/Defenses

Miscellaneous Items

**NOTE: unless otherwise stated, weapons used by Cyric's avatar are black, make no noise, reflect no light, and are immune to rust.

Other Manifestations

Cyric prefers to haunt the dreams of his worshippers as a bloody wraith or manifest as a cloud of poisonous smoke before his enemies rather than sending an avatar. He sometimes manifests as a sudden gloom containing the phantom images of whirling human skulls - and the dark, intent gaze of two black eyes. At other times he sends nightmares or various undead creatures to do his bidding or show his favor or displeasure. Cyric is not above masquerading as another deity to gain the worship of mortals and the power derived from that worship.


The Church of the One True Way
Affiliated Orders
The City of Strife (cool site)
