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Hi everyone, well this is my site. don't laugh i'm new at all this. As you can see i'm still trying to get my page going so give me some time. Well congratulations, you are at the best page on the web, atleast it will be. Dragons have mystified my mind for so many years and now I think it time for me to share what i've learned about these wonderful ceatures. In future time this page will have links to nothing but the best dragon pages and lots and lots of pics. Also i will have a complete history on dragons so all can learn anything they wish on the most powerful creature to enter our world. If you have any question i would be glad to try and help you, and if i can't i'll found someone who can, all you have to do is e-mail me here.


Some people don't belive in our existous. Some just can't comperhend the power in which we harness for our own well being. All fear our magic and run from the mighty talons and razor teeth from which we kill. We are Dragons, the mightious form to ever cross your world. From the shadows of our magic we come. From the sun and fires of earth we come. From the heavens we come to take control of the land once ours. Beware--we are Dragons and from our wake all death occurs. I am the gold dragon, eldest of my clan. My brothern and I are what is left of our kind after the war of gods. After sleeping dormant for hunderds of years from a spell cast by a powerful mage we rise to regain the strength we once had. Urges of revenge flow throw our blood, to wipe out the humans and all there keen, to many years, so weak. Need time to regroup and practice skills long forgoten to the years of sleep. We will strike again, not now, for the time is not right, soon. So always beware of what may lurk in the dark misty clouds or dim light of the full moon. Were all there and all are watching you!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!

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