Only the old and wise, Can recall the first Sun-rise. Arms of the great Sun stretched far beyond; Bringing new promises with the first light of dawn. I became that day and rose with the glorious light. With wings outstretched against the vermilion Sun, I roared a fearsome call with all my dragon's might - I was the lord of Day; I was the chosen one. Scales of fearsome fiery red, Tinted with soft orange and royal gold. Striking the night with fear and dread, I make my appearance, with rainbow colour bold. The Sun and I, we are one. When the Sun's voyage is over, and the day is done, I rest in slumber, giving the Moon a chance, Until tomorrow, when I begin again, my Sun dance.
- Quang Lai
Slow, senuous and silent, I fly in ambience. Moonlight reflecting off my midnight scales, As I sing the Moon's sad tale. Pale beautiful moon, Coming and going much too soon. We are misunderstood, you and I, And it's been so long, that we don't ask why. I fly by your side in the dark, Behind the clouds and sky like a watermark. We sing peacefully together our melancholic songs, Of our memories that's kept us company for so long. Midnight black except for my pearlescent eyes, I fly with you and the stars that light the midnight skies. Until we are overshadowed by the pernicious Sun, Let us enjoy our company, and share the sadness with everyone.
- Quang Lai
The Enchanter
In days long gone - out of memory's reach The Enchanter his acolytes did teach He taught of powers and of fire He taught of love and man's desire He taught of pain and taught of greed He taught of fear and taught of need. And when he'd done with sharing all a student asked about the fall. Five thousand years and some ago the dragons lived, for it is so written in the books of lore.. in a time long gone before. And man was growing in the land becoming like the desert sand. Wherever dragons had their home man was fearful there to roam. But as their number grew in count man's strength and fearlessnes did mount. Often men did they venture far to kill a dragon - called it war. Until the dragons knew the day had come. No other way but to put a fearful end to the slaught'ring bands of men. Then followed war which scorched the lands and put a stop to slaught'ring bands. And after all was said and done man retreated - no battle won. Few dragons in the world remained with death and turmoil - what was gained? Leaving with remaining kin the dragons were not seen again. For deep within the mountain caves the dragons chanted over graves and took on them the forms of men that slaughter would not rise again. Enchanters know that from that day the fire's within: the enchanters say. For if you have the power within then you're born from Dragon kin.
Mystic Forest
Walk down the well worn paths to hell In sure and true of spirit Gentlemen, Ladies now listen well I'm sure that you will hear it For in the distance closing now A lone and mournful cry That speaks of the Dragon's vow And of death and those who die And in this mystic forest green There once were lovers two Who have been by death eternal seen To know the universe true But now the only one Of the tried immortal pair Walks the forest through and done His soul and heart laid bare For in this time of soul deep pain He has no wish to fly And life be gone!, for sweet Lil'ayn The only thing he has to do is lay with her and die.
Freedom comes when the mind is free.
Free from work, free from reality,
The mind soars to new heights and places.
This is where we live.
Reality can not comprehend us,
We go beyond the laws of physics,
The impossible is possible,
And knowledge is meaningless.
Few people know of us,
Yet all are able to see us.
We're in the books, in the art,
In buildings and other things.
Seek us, and you will find us,
Not in reality, but in your heart.
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