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flame.gif (21280 bytes) Extreme-G  flame.gif (21280 bytes)


Enter these codes as the player's name (press R at the Bike Selection

screen). If done correctly you will hear a sound:

fergus - face on cycle

roller - everyone is a rock

xtreme - better not try the turbo...

antigrav - upside down tracks

magnify - magnifies

stealth - your bike is invisible

fisheye - weird...

ghostly - transparent track

wired - wire frame version

uglymode - silly graphics

arsenal - weapons when you need 'em

banana - super-slippery tracks

nitroid - infinite turbos

Xgteam (then go back and enter a designers name ash, shawn...) - their

face will be on your car

At the Password screen, enter:

81GGD5 for access to all the bikes and tracks

61DDB5 for only the cars Neon and Roach