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flame.gif (21280 bytes)Starfox 64 flame.gif (21280 bytes)


To unlock the Expert Mode and the sound test Graphic Equalizer, you must
get medals on all 15 levels.

To play on foot in Vs. mode, earn a medal on Venom in Expert mode.

To get Tanks in Vs. Mode, earn a medal on Venom.

Star Fox Art:
Beat the game in Expert Mode and wait for the credits to end. Depending
on whether you went through Venom 1 or 2, you will get two different
pieces of Star Fox Art.

Move the '64' on the title screen:
At the title screen, just use the analog control stick to move the 64

Easy 1ups:
At the end of Corneria with the walking a loop through his
legs without hitting his body and a 1up will appear.

In Sector Y when your wingmen fly in formation hit the booster and fly
with them and a 1up will appear.

Quick Refill:
In Sector Z, to refill your energy quickly, fly through the back of
Greatfox. You'll see a movie clip for about three seconds and you will
re-emerge from the front of Greatfox with full energy.

Game Shark Codes

Unlimited lives: 80157911 0040
Unlimited smart bombs: 8016DC13 0004
Infinite Dual Blue Laser: 8015791B 0002
Infinite Armor: 8013AB27 00FF
80137C47 00FF
Infinite Smart Bombs: 8016DC13 0004
Start with 1 gold ring: 80157904 0040
Start with 2 gold rings: 80157904 0041
No shots P1: 8015791B 0040
999 Kills: 80157907 0040
80157909 0040
Background distortion: 801578AD D99A

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