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flame.gif (21280 bytes) GOLDENEYE 007  flame.gif (21280 bytes)


How To Get Golden Gun On Goldeneye In Egyptian Temple
Go straight to the tomb in which the Golden Gun is hidden. Open the door. Step in onto the first square and step two squares to the left (or all the way to the left). Go two squares up, then go three right. Then go two squares up, one left, one up, one left, then go two up and one right. You should be in front of the gun, and, believe it or not, uninjured. By walking those steps in that order, you will dismantle the indestructible auto-machine guns. The sliding glass will move down, and you're now in business. YES! Circle around to get the gun and the ammo, and then exit out of the side door. Goldeneye 007 Game Shark Cheats
Water Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian Temple
Infinite Health
810CCC3C 3F80 810CCC4E 0000
Rare Logo 48002118A FFFF
RainBow Spectrum Graphics 8002114C 0001
Invisible Characters 800210F5 00F6
Madness In Dam 8002118B FFFF
Red Enemies 8002114E 0001
Very Glitchy 8002114A 0001
Glitchy Clipping 81021005 0000
Weird Star Graphics 800211DF FFFF
Weird Diamond Graphics 800212DF FFFF
Holes In Walls 800212DF 0001
Messed Up Guys When They Move! 800211BF 0001
Secret Room Bunker 1 8002A8F6 0014
GS BUTTON FOR ENEMIES DON'T ATTACK BOND                   80300A00 FF63
EPELEPTIC BOND   800yyyF1 000B                                 
SEE THROUGH WALLS                                    8002113A 0001
Aztec: 8002a8fb 001a
Egypt: 8002a8fb 001c
Sleeping Enemies!!!!
81067dce 0004
-Beating Level 8002A8FB 00XX
Put in the XX digits for the level you want to beat, and select a level you can already beat normally. You must use the same difficulty level as the one you want to get the cheat for. It may say you failed mission objectives, but it should still come out okay.
01 - Dam 11 - Streets
02 - Facility 12 - Depot
03 - Runway 13 - Train
05 - Surface #1 15 - Jungle
06 - Bunker #1 16 - Control
08 - Silo 17 - Caverns
0A - Frigate 18 - Cradle
0C - Surface #2 1A - Aztec
0D - Bunker #2 1C - Egyptian
0F - Statue
10 - Archives
***New Code*** Get Cheat Menu Codes Without Beating any Levels!!
Here is the base code to use 800696xx 0001
*note- when you put in these codes they will appear as no name codes in your cheat menu options activate them start a mission they will beep go back to the cheat menu options now you will have a new cheat that will stay there without the game shark. the no name code will disapear and the new cheat will remain when you start the game without the game shark.
base code 800696xx 0001
1 (NO NAME) All Characters [Note 2]A0069651 000
800696A1 0001 More Characters for Multiplayer
More characters for multiplayer: First, make sure you have at least one cheat enabled already. Enter 800696A1-0001 as your code, and start the game up. Okay, now pay attention; go to the cheats folder, exit the folder, go to the level select folder, and select the dam. Press start and abort the mission promptly. Go into multiplayer, and you'll have more guys to choose from! Including Some of the developers!!! Gain Access To Egyptian And Aztec Without Beating Anything On Secret and 00 Agent Difficulties
Aztec: 8002a8fb 001a
Egypt: 8002afb 001c
Sleeping Enemies!!!!
81067dce 0004
Music Selection for levels: 8002A8F6 ????
Codes to accompany Music Selection Code:
New Song: EEEF for Runway level
New Song: 0088 for Bunker 1 level
New Song: FFFF for Bunker 1 level
New Song: 0084 for Runway level
Elevator Music: 0088 for Bunker 2 level
New Song: FF84 for Bunker 1 level
New Song: 0008 for Silo level
New Song: EEEF for Facility level
New Song: 00FF for Dam level
New Song: 000F for Dam level
New Song: EEEF for Bunker 1 level
Elevator Music: 0088 for Bunker 1 level
New Song: 0084 for Bunker 1 level
New Song: FF84 for Bunker 1 level
Level Select:  8002A8FB 00??
Codes to accompany Level Select Code:
14 for cuba