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Avoid Projectiles
Here's a strange way to avoid an attack. Change characters just before a
projectile attack reaches you, and it will pass right through you.
Exorcist Impact
At the end of the Impact cinema sequence, you can rotate Impact's head with
the control stick. Wait until it shows Impact's full body with the yellow
and orange stripes, and then use the control stick to turn his head Exorcist
Reappearing Items (Lots of Money)
If you find a room with a lot of gold (or pots with gold) such as the first
room in Oedo Castle walk into the room and get the gold. Then leave and come
back in and -- surprise! All of the gold is right back where it was! You can
do this as many times as you want and stack up on cash.
Blade-Shield Usage
When Yae uses her blade-shield, she normally can't move. However, if you
have the armor or shield and receive damage from an enemy when using the
blade-shield, you can move.
Unchangeable Hair Color
In the middle of using Goemon's touch-and-go skills, get killed by an enemy
(if you have more than one life). If you do this, you will come to life
again with golden hair. However, if you want to change the character, you
can't change the hair color.

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