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Comments about Jamie and David

Comments taken from FSW


Sale & Pelletier: He's looking really buff now. Black costumes, her hair's lighter. Jazzy number, sbs 3toes, she underotated and two footed. Finally a pairs team in Canada who have a great twist! Looked SO MUCH faster than the other Canadians. Pair spin included Natalia spin, and SBS spins were excellent. Spiral sequence perhaps the best of the night - she's really flexible, and he's got a great spiral too! Throw 3 loop! Awesome! So much personality! I was a little shocked by the marks - the judges seem to like them a lot, and I didn't think they'd be up that high.


WOW!!! Great for Jamie and David! My friend who is at the event called me this evening before the comp. got started and says that they look fantastic. :o)


Look impressive? They were absolutely dynamite together!! Wow, I haven't been this impressed with a team in a long time!! Sale & Pelletier I think are destined for greatness, could we possibly see an upset at the Canadian Championship this year?

Martian Girl

Wow! I never would have seen that coming! I hope that is the begining of some great things for this team!


Sale/Pelletier--probably the shock of the competition, as they are the 3rd Canadian pair. But their program has *lots* of energy and they skate like seniors. Very good seniors. It's a jazzy program, and the only mistake was Jamie underrotating the triple toe. The throw triple loop was dynamo.


Sale/Pelletier - "and they skate like seniors." Please correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't they both skated seniors before, just with other partners? I seem to recall Jamie Sale being the bronze medalist at Canadians with another partner.


Yes, you're right. Jamie skated with Jason Turner and they actually competed at the 94 olympics in Norway. Pelletier skated with Allison Gaylor, and I think their top finish is 3rd or 4th at nationals..(i'm not positive about that result.) Both Jamie and Pelletier have been skating singles, and Pelletier also skated pairs last year.


Absolutely right, Pelletier has skated with numerous other partners as a senior and Sale has skated as a senior too. In fact she went to '94 Olympics with partner Jason Turner. She's no babe in the woods - just looks very young LOL. They got togetherlast spring and it looks like the experience they both bring to the team is going to serve them well. Well done Jamie.


One more small thing....I messed up with my previous message. Last year, Pelletier competed with his partner Caroline Roy. If I'm not mistaken, his last season with Gaylor was 1996/1997... (I think)


Sale and Pelletier were also a delight. Jamie is such a great performer, really sells the program. They had a nice high double twist, and a fab throw 3loop. (Did Pelletier go to Worlds with Gaylor one year or am I imagining things?)

I think it's a strong possibility that Sale/Pelletier will finish ahead of Sargeant/Wirtz at Canadians this season.


Scuz me while I scream: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGOOOOOOO JAAAAAMIE AND DAAAAAAAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOW KAMLOOPS YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There. that is out of my system now.

Wow! I love out Sargeant/Wirtz, Savard-Gagnon/Bradet!!!! You have one team coming up behind you who is skating like world champions. Those two really know how to sell a program. Boy, oh boy this is really going to botch up predictions. Not ONE of us thought Jamie and David would be in the top 3.

Now, if I can quit jinxing Jamie (she makes mistakes when I watch. I don't watch she has no mistakes LOL! I can also do this to Sargeant/Wirtz and Kazakova/Dmitriev.) I am going to be very excited. I knew this team could make it big when I heard that they had teamed up. This is going to be a very exciting battle for a medal in the freeskate. But watch out come Jamie and David.


Sale/Pelletier: If Jamie gets her jump clean, look out!!! I am sure Pelletier will always get the jump. He almost made the mens world team one year finishing 4th.


Jamie Sale and her old partner Jason Turner finished 12th at the 1994 Olympics. But even back then her throws weren't as powerful as they are now!!! David Pelletier came 2nd at the 1995 Canadians with Allison Gaylor and competed at 1995 Worlds - placed somewhere around 15th coz Allison can barely complete a 2axel. They're both single skaters so jumps shouldn't be too much of a problem but I was surprised to see Jamie underrotate the 3toe coz she was doing them in her sleep last year at Canadians when she competed in Ladie's singles!

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