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Fan Corner

Welcome to the Jamie and David Fan Corner

Find a email friend who enjoys to watch Jamie and David

Jamie and David On T.V.
Find out when Jamie & David are going to be on T.V.

Trivia Question
Try your hand at the trivia question

ote for your favorite things about Jamie and David
Vote for your fave Jamie/David program, etc.

Jamie Salé and David Pelletier Message Board
Talk with other Fans!

Quote of the Week
Click here to see the quote of the Week.

Photo of the Month
Click here to see the Photo of the Month.

Index || Biography || Competitive Highlights || Articles about Jamie and David || Contact Jamie and David || Links to other GREAT sites || Comments about Jamie and David || Webrings, Buttons, Etc || Fan Buttons || Awards this page has won || Fan Corner || Other Sites dedicated to Jamie and David
