Taylor Info
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Taylor Info

Name:Jordan Taylor Hanson

DOB:March 14, 1983


Nicknames: Tay, Tayles

Height: 5'8" Weight:110 - 115

Hair/Eyes: Blonde/blue


Fav. Color: Red b/c it makes everything beautiful (Sumpin' like dat!)

Fav. Subject: Literature and Computers

Fav. Drink: bottled water

Fav. Food: McDonalds,Pizza and Mashed potatoes

Fav. Animals: Monkeys and Dolphins

Fav. Sports:'blading, speed hockey, basketball and soccer

Fav. Pastimes:Drawing and reading

Fav. Fast Food:Mcdonalds

Fav. Singer: Jewel

Compared to: Kurt Cobain

-Is accident prone

-Took dancing lessons (they all did!)

-His hair used to be 6 inches longer and has a rat tail.

-Blushes easily (awww!)

-Has a lisp b/c of a retainer (?)

-Likes to go cruising with Issac

-Gets hyper at night when no one wants to put up with him (I do that too....except when I am hyper no one laughs with me...they just give me weird looks)

-Isn't into the Romeo and Juliet puffy sleeve thing

-LOVES Jelly Beans

-Likes to draw

-Hates it when girls scream when they meet him

-Wears 3 necklaces: 1 cross, 1 soccer ball and something else....no one can really tell what it is.

-Blends intelligence of Issac and Zaniness of Zac

-Thinks Tom Cruise is a good actor

-Has a cussing prob (?)

-Some people say he writes with his left hand some say his right...what do I think....maybe he is ambidextrious(OK, he is right handed!)

-Can talk in an Englsih Accent

-Loves his maroon shirt (A lot of ppl told me it is Addias...does it really matter?)

-Taps on everything

-He is underweight for his height even though he pigs out on junk food (People who can do that rule.....I can do that....that is why I said that...= )

-Hates cottage cheese (Doesn't everyone? It looks like barf!)

-Doesn't like to brush his hair (?)

-His younger bro and sisters call him "Taybear". (Oh how cute!!)

-He uses the word "weird" more than any other word.

-When he was younger, he would sing to his knee-cap!

-When he and Ike played wedding when they were younger, Taylor dressed up in their mom's wedding dress

I know I missed something...just e-mail with more info, k?

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