The Wackiest Things People Do!
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The Wackiest Things People Do!

This is some of the strangest things we have done. These are only a FEW. We have done many of other things, but I only decided to write 4. = ) Well, we need some other ones so please write in with your wacky stories!

OK....I am starting to get some viewer e-mail about the wackiest things they did..hehe. Here they are! The follow things are from> The following things are from: Julie
  • I kiss my Issac collage every single time I enter or leave my room and if I am lonely or depressed I talk to him. (not him, but the poster..anywayz...)
  • One time when I was listening to my CD, A MINUTE WITHOUT YOU came on (my fav) and I started dancing and singing very emotionally. When I was finished, I heard clapping and when I opened my eyes and that my Hanson hating friend had come over and had seen the whole thing!
  • In gym class they let us play the radio and MMMBop came on. I stood up and started dancing in front of 150 people! The following things are
  • I made Hanson magnets! : ) (Well....they don't make them!!!)
  • While in England and Ireland, I bought tons of magazines that said anything remotely close to Hanson on the cover.
  • At my birthday party, I wouldn't open my gifts until I had some background music. (MMMBop ba duba dop......)
  • At the pool in front of this really fine guy I screamed out "Where did he go, I wanna know...Where did Johnny go...For the love of God! Someone find him!" (Cool man!)
    The following things are from:Sarah
  • I talk to my posters
  • I refuse to change in my room anymore because my posters watch me. (I agree..they do have eyes...! I'm only kidding peoples!)
  • Once my teacher was giving us "time out" so we had to put our heads down. I started singing "MMMBop" and she was like "WHere is that coming from?". I sang the chrous 5 times and she never knew it was me!
  • At my b-day party, I had 10 girls sleep over. I fell asleep first so as a joke, they shook the couch screaming "Sarah! It's an earthquake!" I mumbled in my sleep "I must save Hanson." (WOW! IT'S SUPER WOMAN!!)
  • I stepped on the CD case and cracked it and started crying
  • I have spent 15 10-dollar allowances on Hanson

    The following things are from: Heather
  • I was singing "Where's the Love?" and my dad was listening from the door and afterwards gave me a standing ovation
  • I asked for drums for Christmas
  • My friend and I started singing Hanson songs at lunch and half of the cafe clapped for us!
  • My nickname is Hanson. (OR Zac, since me and him are sooo crazy!)
  • I've lead some of my friends who thought they would HATE Hanson, to love them!
  • Me and my other 2 friends have eached picked out a Hanson. Tracie want
  • I got drums for Christmas and I learned how to play "MMMBop" and "Christmas Means to Me"
  • My nickname is Hanson. (OR Zac, since me and him are sooo crazy!)

    The following things are from: A person who didn't tell me their name!
  • We have a show every year where we can dance to other people's music and win prizes. Me and my friend put on B-wigs and to MMMBop infront of like 600 people!

    The following things are from:
  • I kept imagining I saw Hanson everywhere I went
  • I feel weird to change in my room because of all my posters
  • Me and my friend sang Hanson songs at the top of our lungs to annoy a 12 year old boy next door

    The following is from:
  • When I get on the computer, I put my keyboard on my lap so there's a little empty space. Well, I always put my "Middle Of Nowhere" CD on (full balst!!) whenever I go on my computer! Whenever MMMBop comes on, I always bang my hands on the empty space to the beat of MMMBop! Zac Hanson, better watch out, Lindsey's catchin' up on those drums!
  • Once at school, I was bored so I just started singing MMMBop quietly. Well, my Hanson fan friend started singing it a little louder, so I did, too. In a few minutes we were singing at the top of our lungs and the WHOLE cafiteria (Hanson lovers I mean, and, believe me, there were A LOT!) were singing along with us! I was laughing kind of at the same time 'cause Hanson haters were covering their ears and screaming "Make it stop! Make it stop!" Even the principal was singing along! LOL!
  • My cousin has his own drum set. When I go up to visit him, I walk in the door and give him an evil smile. Then, I run over to his drum set and play "Where's The Love!" Hey, I'm pretty good! (evil smile 'cause he's not a fan)
  • I was at home once playing video games with my portable CD player going (my youger bro was in the room and he's not exactly a fan). Well, I got to a really high level and I kept having to jump over spikes! Every time I had to jump, I would scream "MMMBOP!!!!" It was so funny!!

    The following things are from: "Janieto"
  • My best friend and I started our own band, just for Hanson.
  • I have watched Tulsa to Tokyo 29 times, and counting.
  • Once I was at the store with my best friend, and we are both obsest with Hanson, and we seen the best Mag of them so we started screaming and we would yell "oh my gosh" at every pic of them. Whe we turned around we seen about 10 people right behind us just staring. We just turned around and started screaming again!
  • I made up wedding invitations for Taylor and I and passed them out to my friends, HEHEHE!

    The following is from: Destiny
  • Last year July - August I was in Australia and my friend I found out hanson were there while we were so we went to Southland Shopping Centre (in Melbourne) where they were performing on August 2nd. (I have pics if you want) and after the concert me my friend Raye and I went backstage with a few other girls. Ike flirted with this girl and watched her walk away and I ran up and stood on the back of her really long dress. She fell flat on her face and ran off crying and my friend rolled around laughing. Luckily Ike hadn't seen me rush past and step on her dress. he just saw her fall =)
  • Then the next day Sunday 3rd Aug. We went to the zoo there and Raye chased after this hanson fan cuz she had jumped in the way of a PERFECT photo of them. (I have photos of this if you want too) and then she had a huge argument. Which was hilarious. It turned into a psychotic verbal fight which nearly ended with Raye pushing the other girl into this cage thing. We also embarrased ourselves by yelling "I'm sure Taylor loves you too... NOT!" and the whole hanson clan probably heard us cuz we were about 5 meters away. Then we went up and said hi and I got so nervous (I still talked to them though) I nearly vomitted all over Zac. We got our CD's signed and then Raye charged after a girl who took her CD. She got it back but she also got us kicked out of the Zoo too.

    The following is from: "Dragonfeirer"
  • The stupidest thing I did was called this boy I like with my two friends. We were really hyper and goofy and as soon as someone answeared the phone we said "HI I'm Ike" "I'm Tay" "I'm Zac" " And we're Hanson!!! live from New York!!!" Then my friend asked who sounded the most like Hanson, And the person I thought was Zach Carey Said "who are you calling for?" It was his mom!!! I got soo embarrassed, I still can't get over that.

    The following is from: ????
  • I ran up and down the street writing "Hanson Rules" on the fog on everybody's car windows. The neighbor sure did look at me strange when he got into his car that morning!
  • Just by hanging around my Hanson hating friends, I have actually noticed they have started to like Hanson.
  • My friends and me's secret message for hello is "MMMBop"
  • I jumped up in my classroom which was full of people and yelled, "Where IS the love?!". I did get strange looks from everybody.
  • When my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas I said "Hanson". Next on my list was drums.
  • I talk to my Hanson posters-and they talk back!
  • I cried when I saw them on Oprah. Because it was in Amarillo and I live in Dallas and they were soooo close! (Well in a way..)
  • I've actually been to there house and took pictures of there treehouse, backyard, the "Private Property" signs, the bikes in the yard, there driveway, cars, trashcans, and ofcourse the house. And right before we left, I screamed "The love is right here!"--I'll admit its one of my fave songs.
  • I've actually convinced my teacher to let me do an independent study project on Hanson!
  • I'm not sure if its true, but my friends told me that at my slumber party I sang MMMBop in my sleep.

    The following is from: Cristina
  • Was Hanson for Halloween, with my 2 other friends. We rollerbladed around school to Mmmbop on my Tape recorder, really loud. We had blonde wigs and everything!
  • I have 3 lockers, all of them are totally dedacated to Hanson.
  • When my friends leave their locker open, I tape Hanson pictures in them. Them still have them up there!
  • Buy anything that looks like Hanson would wear, or buy. I have yellow Docs!
  • I kiss my Hanson posters, before bed, I say my goodnights to them and kiss them, and sometimes I put lipgloss on, and now there is a permanet kiss mark on Taylor's cheek!
  • I make my own Hanson stickers and magnets.

    The following is from: Mandy
  • At my school me and my 5 best friends are the only ones in our year group who like hanson and we get so much crap from them(we are 16) but we dont care! At our school camp we.... * Took some posters and put them up all around our part or the dorm * Played Hanson really loud and every bit of free time we got * I was trying to win a prize and I had to get up and sing bananas in pyjamas and I was wearing my hanson shirt and practically my whole year group started yelling out that hanson suck and I just turned around at went HANSON RULE!!!
  • When ever I go anywhere and I see someone wearing a hanson t-shirt I go up and tell them they have a cool shirt them give a cheesy smile and walk away them I turn around and yell "Oh yeah but tays mine!!!"
  • My freind tripped down some stairs from this shop when we went screaming and running out of it when the shop next door started playing MMMbop
  • At iceskating, the music just sorta stopped and people stopped skating and when the music didn't come on me and my friend Spam went up one end of the rink and sang Wheres the Love and MMMbop, dancing and all. These people were watching us and when we finished and skated past them they clapped us
