Zac Info
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Zac Info

Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

DOB: October 22, 1985

Sign: Libra

Nicknames: Zac, Animal, Prozac, and Pyscho Boy

Height: 5'1" Weight: 97 lbs. (I ain't know if that's 4 real!)

Hair/eyes: Blonde/hazel

Grade: 6

Fav. Color: Blue

Fav. Subject: Math

Fav. Drink: Dr. Pepper

Fav. Show: Animaniacs

Fav. Food: Jello

Fav. Super Heroes: The Power Rangers

Fav. Sports: 'blading and speed hockey

Pet: Snake (?) that is nasty! Snakes are creepy!

Compared to: Chris Partridge and Bart Simpson

-Likes En Vogue

-Fav. part of Alicia Silverstone is her eyes

-Is the hyper one (DUH!)

-Says he is hyper to cover up his shyness (I do that too)

-Can burp and talk at the same time

-Likes to pig out on Ding Dongs and Twinkies (How can he eat those?)

-Is left handed

-He loves to play his Sega, Sony Playstation and Nitendo 64. (Sony playstations are da bomb!)

-Loves to chew gum

-Likes to play pool and hockey

-His mom braids his hair

-Thinks he doesn't play the drums all that great (He is just modest)

-Got clear braces recently (?)

-Thinks fans that scream when they see the bros and then become speechless are weird

-Taylor says he has a split personality

-He cried after the they sang at the world series when those people booed!

Again..if I missed any info, just click on the little e-mail address!!

