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Chapter 15

Have you ever felt like every good and bad emotion ran through your body with just one jolt? Well, that's how I felt as I walked into the Hanson's home for the first time if four years. Taylor, being the gentlemen he was (all of a sudden?) opened the door for me.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were sitting on the couch watching t.v. It had been so long since I seen her, but I take it, that Zoe was sitting in Mrs. Hanson's lap as she braded her long hair. I was greeted with smiles.

"Mom, I know you remember Ginette?" Taylor asked with a smile.

"Of course I do! Ginette you've grown into a beautiful young woman." She said as she hugged me for what seemed like the fifth time. I casually mouthed the words "thank you." Walker got up and gave me a hug also.

"I tell you what, Taylor never stopped talking about you. It's good to see you again. How was college in New York?"

I felt at home right then and there. "Oh it was the best! I met a lot of interesting people there. I still have one semester left though, but I'll probably finish it here if momma doesn't get any better soon. Taylor was right though, New York is a beautiful city. I also have a wonderful job there." I said looking from Mr. to Mrs. Hanson.

Mrs. Hanson gave me a soft motherly smile. "Everybody is growing up. Isaac and Taylor have all ready moved out. I'm sure you've heard about Isaac's marriage?" She asked me, she seem very pleased.

"Yes, ma'am. It was all over the t.v. and the radio. I'm very proud of him. I'm anxious to meet his wife." I said as Taylor and I slowly walked over to the couch.

"Where is Zac mom?" Taylor asked, while looking around.

"oh, he's either up stairs or out with Cary." she said waving her hands in the air.

"Figures." He said sarcastically.

Taylor looked at me and mouthed the words "Ready?" I simply nodded my head.

"Well, Ginette and I are going out." Taylor stated as we stood up.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson gave the "yeah right" smiles, hugged us again, and walked us to the door.

"Maybe you could come by for dinner tomorrow night Ginette? I'll have the whole family over here. Isaac and Mary, I'm sure Zac will have his girlfriend Cary also. It will be wonderful." She asked me as she patted my back.

I looked over at Taylor. He gave me the "please" look. I couldn't take it. I gave in. "I'd love to. I'd like to see everyone again anway!" I said with a smile.

"Great!" Mrs. Hanson excamimed. "Oh and bring your momma too!" Mrs. Hanson called to us and we walked out the door.

"I sure will, she'd love it." I said as I waved back to her.

Taylor and I got into his truck and drove to the Tulsa Kitchen where Taylor and I decided to go for lunch.

"You know momma loves you to death." Taylor said as we took off down the road.

"I know she does. I love her just like a second mom, I'm glad she wanted me to bring momma. She needs to get out the house anways." I said as I looked over to him. I was still nervous.

"I'm happy. Thank you for coming with me. It's great to just go out and have fun with someone again." He glanced my way then back at the road.

"I'm glad I choose to come." I stated back to him with a smile. Even though my intentions were to come for momma, I was actually glad I came.

We pulled into the parking lot. Taylor shut the truck off and looked at me.

"You ready?" He asked with a small laugh.

"I sure am!"

"You have beautiful eyes you know." Taylor said looking at me again.

"Well...thank you Taylor. Your's are nice too." I said feeling weird. Where did that come from? I asked myself.

"May I kiss you one more time?" He asked as he gently brushed his lips against mine.

Feeling the temptations and longing for it so much. I gave in with a willing heart.

"Yes..." I said breathless.

Then as fast as it came before, our lips met and I felt all those feeling and emotions again. As we kissed I opened my eyes. His were still shut, I knew he was savoring the moment. I knew he truly loved me and wanted to make it work. I closed my eyes again and pulled away. He smiled and tapped my nose with his fingers.

"Ready?" He asked.


Then he got out and opened the door for me.

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