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Chapter 2

School has just let out about a week ago. If it wasn't for my summer job at Lowe's. I'd die of boredom. I worked from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I was only seventeen and my hours were cut short. But Hey I didn't mind. Let the other workers handle it.

Around 4:00 I pulled into my drive way. I was tired and I had, had a long day.

"Hey hon!" Mom said as I walked in the front door.

"Hey mom." I said as I plopped my stuff on the couch.

"Ginette, Taylor called you about 15 minutes ago. I told him you'd be home soon, so he gave me his cell phone number to give to you." She said as she was taking the chicken out the oven.

"He did?" My eyes lit up.

"Yeah here you go." She handed me the peper with the number on it.

I ran over to the phone and dialed as fast as I could.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end said.

"Tay. It's Ginette!" I said excitedly. I missed him like crazy.

"Hey babe. I got some good news for you."

"Really? What?" I asked curiously.

"Well I'll be home tomorrow. Possibly tonight. The plane should be here soon." Taylor said. I could tell he was smiling.

"Great! That's wonderul news! I miss you so much Tay. I'll be happy to seen you again." I paused. "I seen you on the Letterman show. You guys did exellent on "If Only."

"Thanks Gin. About the girlfriend part. I was so close to saying how I found somebody that made my heart stop. Someone who I trusted and loved. Close to saying that I love you on air. But, I promised."

"I know Taylor. Thanks for keeping it."

"Only for you Ginette." He said slowly.

"Hey, well the album is great. I listened to all the songs." I said trying to change the subject. It broke my heart knowing that we had to keep stuff from people just to keep our lives safe. But I knew all of this when I fell in love with him. I knew how it would be, so I excepted it.

"I'm glad you like it. It's a big step for us, it's been three years for us since "Middle of Nowhere" was released."

"I know." I said.

"Flight 219 from New York City to Oklahoma City is boarding in 15 minutes" I heard the speaker in the background.

I'll let you go. The plane will be there soon." Even though I didn't want to let him go.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. I love you Gin." He said in a wisper.

"I love you too."

"And you make me feel
Won't you take me when you're not here
It's been raining here and i just want you to be near."

Taylor sang as I listen to him and Zac join together on the song "Wish That I Was There". It was my favorite song.

My mind wondered off to Taylor and how close he was to home. I knew he would be tired. So after a few days fo rest, I had things planned for us.

"It felt so good to hear his voice over the phone. I'm such a lucky person." I thought.

Taylor puts up with a lot, but he always makes time to call or see me.

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Chapter 3
