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Chapter 4

"Are you ready?" Tay asked as he put my last bag in his Explorer.

"Yeah just one more thing." I said running back into my house.

Both of our parents had agreed to let us go alone to the cabin. They trusted us. Plus, Taylor and I had been together well over a year now. They trusted us and that was important to us.

I walked back out with my sandals. "Ready?" He said. Tay was smiling. "I can't wait to spend some time with you. Being out in the woods. Just calm and relaxation."

"Yeah, I missed you so much. This is your three day vacation. It's all yours, do whatever you want." I responded. He just looked straight ahead and stuck his tounge out at me.

Almost an hour exactly I woke up and noticed we were driving through the woods.

"Tay, uh is this the right way?" I asked. I was still tired from my previous nap.

"Yeah Gin, remember it's a cabin in the woods. You're going to love it. When we finally settle down and move in together. That's what I want, a cabin." He said glancing over at me. "Only thing is, no t.v, phone, and such." He smiled. "Just you, me, and nature."

I began to laugh. My eyes caught a glimps of the cabin as we drove up the hill. The cabin was beautiful and looked peaceful sitting there. Surrounded my woods. Just what I needed.

"Here we are!" Tay said as we came to a stop in front of it.

"Wow! I can't wait to look inside." I was overwhelmed.

"Come on babe." Tay said as he put his arm around me and we walked in together.

It was beautiful inside. Two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a livingroom, and kitchen. Dispite the heat, it actually felt good inside.

"Wow it feels good." I smiled as I sat on the couch and Tay sat beside me.

"I came by earlier and turned the AC on. I wanted it to feel good for your 'first' impression." He said laying back.

"You're to sweet." We began to kiss.

How could you miss someone so much? I thought. He rubbed his hands along the side of my neck. "I missed you so..." He said in between kisses. Taylor moved until he was on top of me. I loved him so much. But in my heart I knew I wasn't ready to lead him on to something, that I wanted to wait for.

"Tay...Tay we should stop. I need to unpack anyway." I looked up to him.

"I'm sorry Ginette. I didn't mean...I didn't want to upset you. I just missed you." He looked sat.

"I missed you too and you know that. But I'm fine." I needed to lighten up the mood. So I began to tickle him.

"Whoa...haha...Gin, stop...hehe"I could help but laugh. I loved having this type of relationship with Taylor. It was times like these that I held close to my heart.

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Chapter 5
