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Chapter 9

Four years later...

I couldn't believe what I was doing. I was on a plane going back to Tulsa. Why? Because my mom needed me. She had become sick, so I gave up my last semester of college in NY to come back. I suppose I could finish the rest in Tulsa.

I was thinking a hundred thoughts at a time. Then it hit me, I was REALLY going back to Tulsa. What if I saw Taylor again?

I knew I'd break down. I had thought about him the whole four years I was gone. Deep inside, I knew I still loved him. That's what scared me most. Loving him. Then I started thinking maybe he moved away or something.

I had heard on t.v. in NY Hanson were to release a new album entitled "Only For You". I couldn't believe they still had it in them. I had also read somewhere that Isaac had gotten married. Things change in four years I thought.

"Flight 115 from New York to Oklahoma landing in five minutes."

I began to get sick. I was scared, happy, angry, and worried all in one.

Then it dawned on me the real reason I came back. Mamma. And I was to see best for her. She was who I was to worry about. Taylor was the past.

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