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Get Lucky With Chris!

Its time to get lucky! Yepo you guessed it more Chris pictures. We know you love him and thats the main purpose for this page. Never Enough Chris! Enough chat lets get to rollin!*~Melissa and Heidi~*

Lance what are you doing in this pic!?! Its suppose to be of Chris! What are you smiling at any way? Chris you look good in that blue shirt. Yumm!

Chris looks like a rebel in this picture. Yet again no dreds! He looks like he is thinking " Oh I look good baby, The girls ar going to eat this up!" But Chris isnt like that. But we are eatin it up. With a spoon baby! Oh YEAH!

Is it cold out there Chris? Why are you bundled up? We will keep you warm! hehe! This was taken at the filming for the video for "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays". That video was phat!

Chris dont be lonely.We will keep you company. If you ever get lonely just remember that there are millions of girls who would like to keep you company hun!

Aww..Chris you look soo adorable in this pic, You are just too cute. You must be tired because you have been running through our minds all day

Awww, Which ones cuter? umm...Busta no Chris aww we can't decide. They're both cute. Wouldn't you like to snuggle up with them?! We sure would!

We didn't know you could cook Chris. "Yum that looks good. Can we have bite?" ::Gives Heidi and Melissa a bite:: "yum Chris, this really is good!"

AH Chris dont hurt us. We didnt mean to stalk you. We love you and cant live with out you. Please dont be upset if we stalk you! LOL. Your such a cutie!

Chris you look extremely bored! Here let Melissa and I entertain you. Ok Melissa you start.."Gimme a C" "C" "You got your C you got your C"..

LOL! This picture was taken from N the Mix. Nsync official home video. This was Chris' reaction when asked the band history. LOL! CHRIS YOU ARE TOO CUTE!

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