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Crazy For JC!

Wuz Up Peepz?!? Are yall havin fun yet? We know that we are. We can't get enough of this guy. Who could ya know? LOLThanx for hangin with us. We'll holla at yo lata! *Melissa and Heidi~*

UHHHHHH!! LOL... Damn look at that pic! Look at those muscles!! HEHE!! :::cleans up drool::: Oh Wow! Damn is all I have to say about that!

Look at that pic! HEHE!! He is like .... wow ... perfect is the only word we can think of... LOL ... And that wife beater is a definite compliment!

Cutie Pah-tootie

Awww Now that is the cutest pic if we have ever seen one. Awww. Pardon us while we coo. Damn he is so adorable!

Remember when we talked about talent? Well here he is with some more.... Looks like he can play the guitar also. Gota love a man with talent!

JC looks like he is trying to explain how big something is... Yall get your mind out of the gutters! I SWEAR! JEEZ! LOL... We love JC dont we girls!

AHHH! LOOK JC IS IN A STRAIGHT JACKET... Hmmm.. NO NO I'm gunna be good. So I better say he is really cute here huh? Cuz if not I'm gunna get in trouble! lol..

MMM MMM MMM GOOD! JC why do you hafta be so cute? Your killin us here! =) C'mon give us some slack! lol WE LOVE YOU BABY!

Aww Look at him. He is so cute. Uh...JC Hun, Do you plan on lickin that microphone? We must be very happy to recieve that! lol

Look he is still singin. And in BRIGHT yellow. But we all admit JC looks damn good it yellow! Right? RIGHT!

Aww! JC you have the cutest ears. LOL. Thats the first thing I noticed when I saw this pic. And look at that smile. I'm melting!

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