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Superman Fatone

Hey Everyone and welcome to our first page of Joey Fatone. We know that you love him, we know that you want him, so its a good thang we got em! Let get this party crunk. We hope you enjoy these. Thanx for stickin around yall! *~Melissa and Heidi~*

Here is one of the many pictures of Joey sporting his Superman clothing. That shirt is phat! Can we have it? No, Dont think Joey would give any of his Superman stuff away!

Whata suprise! More Superman clothes! Joey you are so hott! And look there is no beard here! Show of hands everyone....Beard or no beard...DAT IS DA QUESTION!!!

Does this picture look familiar? "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" video. That video spent 65 days on TRL with a sad retirement. But the good thing about retirement is that that meant another NSync music video was in the making. Right? RIGHT!

We have no comment on this pic but DAMN!!!! YOU ARE HOTT AS HELL!!!!

"God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You.....on you on you on youuuuu!" Joey sings to Melissa on this special night for her.

Aww Joey you are such a cutie! We love you man!!! Look at that award winning smile of his. AWW! <3 You are toooo cute!

"I lost my number, can I borrow yours!?!?" OOOOOH JOEY YOU ARE HELLA HOT! COME HERE BABY!!! MELISSA NEEDS HER BIG PAPA!!

Look at his pearly whites! Who wouldnt help but fall in love with this Italian dreamboat?!?!

LOOK AT DAT!?! DAYUM!!! Lets play guess the of hands for A) of hands for B) NSYNC!

Yeah Joe we're talking to you! Got a problem with us saying your hot! I didn't think so! We love ya.

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