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Lance With No Pants??

Nope Sorry Girls! Lance wears pants! lol... We know that this is the saddest page to visit because it is the last page of Lance pics.. =*( Well come on pep up we still have JC ahead. Enjoy! *~Melissa and Heidi~*

Healthy Eatin'

Now we know why Lance has the body he has... HE EATS HEALTHY!! MMM... well well well... Either that or he is tryin to keep the doctor away! LOL...


Aww. Smile cuz Lance Luvs Ya! That is a phat jacket... OOO I WANT IT!! lol... You look good in red. Honestly you look good in anything.

Whats So Funny?

Um...Lance Hun.. You have something in your teeth! LOL. Just kidding! lol...Your so cute! aww.. ::pinches Lance's cheeks::