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When Dreams May Come

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When Dreams May Come~~Part 1~~




They had all been good friends for over 4 years. Danielle and J.C have been dating for about 1-2 years. Everything was normal, until one day, Justin's feelings were changing and he didn't know if he should act on them.......

Morning came, and all you could hear is the grunts and moans of 5 guys stretching and yawning. "BREAKFAST" cheryl yelled. Joey was the first one to come down. Then Chris and J.C and Lance. "JUSTIN" cheryl shouted again. There was no answer so she went up stairs to get him up. She opened his door. He was coming out of the bathroom in only his boxers, and when he saw her, he said "aren't you tired, come on lets go back to bed" and he climbed under the blankets and held them open for her. She walked over to the bed, knelt down beside him and said "as much as I would love to climb into bed with you...." she stopped and they just looked at each other for a minute. "Come on, breakfast is ready and getting cold..." She walked over to his blinds and opened them. He squinted as she did so and his eyes followed her from the window to the door. "come on..." she said quietly. "I'll be down in a minute" he replied just looking at her. She closed the door and went back down stairs. About 10 minutes later, Justin came into the kitchen. Everyone was talking and laughing. He looked at Cheryl and walked towards the table. He sat down and said "good morning" Everyone just stopped dead and looked at him. "WHAT??" Justin shot back with everyone staring at him. They all turned to Cheryl, who was getting the milk out of the fridge for Justins cereal. "Man, what did you do to him up there?" Chris asked all serious. Justin smiled and kept eating. "Nothing why?" cheryl said a little embarrassed and not being able to hold in her smile. :Aww, come on, hes in a good mood" J.C said trying to embarrassed her more. "What ever it was, it must have been reeeeal good" Joey said smirking at her. Chris almost choked on his toast after Joey said that and Justin couldnt help but smile. "Nothing happened" Justin finally said. "well then why is she blushing then?" Chris asked. "maybe because ya'll are embarrassing cut it out" Justin said. "WHOA!! the protective boyfriend" Chris said starting to laugh again... When breakfast was over, Cheryl, Danielle and Joey cleaned the table off, Joey always helped, figuring it wasn't just a womans job to cook and clean, the men helped out. They all thought that way but it was usually Joey who stayed to help. "what did ya'll really do up there" Danielle asked her quietly. "nothing, he was up when I got up there so I told him to come and eat" she said back quickly. Danielle knew cheryl liked Justin, Joey knew because him and Cheryl are best friends, J.C knew because Danielle told him, and Chris and Lance were clueless. That's why everyone teased Cheryl, because they knew shed get embarrassed. Cheryl and Danielle walked into the livingroom. "what do ya'll wanna do?" Lance blurted out. Just then, the phone rang. "I'll get it" Cheryl said aloud. "Hello? oh hey, not much you, oh really, *laughing* man, well ya he's here, hold on" "LANCE...PHONE" She tossed him the cordless. "Hello, hey baby" he said walking into the kitchen. "who was that?" JC asked Cheryl. "three guesses" she said back. "I'm gunna get in the shower" Cheryl said. motioning to Justin like come on. He said "well gotta go" and they ran upstairs. "oh my god, are they shaggin'?" Lance asked coming out of the kitchen to see them run upstairs together. "way to go baby J" JC said slyly. "I always thought they should be together" "ya, me too" Joey said eating leftover breakfast. They all staired at the top of the stairs in amazment. They shower was running. Just then, Justin peeked his head around the corner and smiled. "GOTCHA" he said laughing as he came downstairs. "you little shit" Danielle said. They were all talking for about 15-20 minutes when the shower went off. "JUSTIN....crap, I MEAN NAN?"(thats what cheryl calls Danielle) You could hear Cheryl laughing , then everyone else started laughing. Danielle went upstairs to see what she wanted. You could hear them talking but you couldnt make out what they were saying. All the guys went outside to play b-ball. About 20 minutes later, cheryl came down stairs. She was wearing purple b-ball pants and a white tank top. She flopped on the couch with Danielle and they were watching Shes all that. They both fell asleep. When they woke up, it was 6:00 and the guys were due home right away from rehersal. They had left at 2:00. Cheryl got up quickly and started supper. Just as she was finishing, they guys all walked in. She woke up Danielle and they all ate supper. Lance left to pick up Rachael.......

Dreams May Come ~~~Part2~~~

(j)=justin talking (ch)=chris talking (c)=cheryl talking (Jo)=joey talking (jc)=duh!!! (L)=lance talking (d)=danielle talking Well you get the point.....

It was now about 6:30pm and all the guys came home to eat. They were at rehersal. They all ate, then they all took a shower. Justin was the last to shower. They were all in their rooms getting dressed, but he couldnt figure out what to wear. Cheryl was in Chris's room when she heard Justin cursing. "Why dont you go help him before he starts crying" Chris said. "CHRIS!!" she sniped back. She went and stood in his doorway. "Need any help?" she asked innocently. "Sure, thanks" he said back. All he had on were a pair of black cargo pants. Nothing else. She walked over to him, looked at his pants and started looking for a shirt for him. "what about this one?" (j)"sure" She pulled out a light blue shirt,(kinda like the one he wore on Rosie the 1st time) and gave it to him. First he put on his wifebeater, then the shirt. Then he asked her to put his chain on for him. As she reached around his neck, she thought~god he smells good~. He tucked in his shirt and walked over to the mirror.(j)"nice job" (c)"thanks, I had great stuff to work with" They both smiled. (j)"so have you figured out what your wearing?" (c)"Not yet, I'm gunna do that now" (j)"need any help?" (c)"Naw, I think I can handle it" (j)"Aww come on," (c)"alright, but no weird stuff ok?" (j)"you..weird..never" (c)"dont get smart boy.." she smiled and they walked into her room. Cheryl didnt care what people thought about how she looked. If she liked something, she wore it. She had a unique sense of style and everyone admired her for not caring. He walked over to her closet and flipped through it until he found something.(j)"what about this?" (c)"sure".She went into the bathroom to change, and came out. (j)"what do you think?" Justin was in aww. (j)"wow, you" (c)"is it that bad?" (j)"NO, you look amazing". (c)"really?" (j)"oh ya, trust me" he said giggling. She looked in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. He walked over and stood beside her putting his arm around her.(j)"damn, we look good together hey?" She looked at him in the mirror, then he turned to her and she turned to him. They slowly moved closer about to touch lips when...(ch)"hey cher...oh whoops, sorry" They both looked at him as if to say FUCK OFF, (ch)"continue..I'm outta here" he closed the door behind him. Justin snickered. They looked at eachother again, and this time, their lips touched. He put his hand on her cheek and the kiss grew more passionate. It was so intense yet gentle. Then..when they stopped, Justin had such a serious look on his face. All of a sudden, he smiled and said HI!. HI she said back giggling. (j)"wow...ahh...I'll let ya finish getting ready" he backed towards the door, bumping into it. (j)"see ya in a bit" *smiling* (c)"ok" He left and closed the door behind him. Cheryl sat on the end of her bed and gently touched her lips."what just happened here" she said smiling. She finished getting ready and went downstairs. "its about time" chris spouted. "piss off" she said jokingly. They all got their coats and headed out the door. Justin and Cheryl were the last ones to leave. As she was heading out the door, he said "you look really do" "thanks" she said back smiling at him. They went outside and he closed the door........

When Dreams May Come~~~Part3~~~

They walked out of the house and to the cars. They were taking Justins car and Cheryls Blazer. "whos going with who?"Chris shouted. "We three girls and Joey in my car and you four with Justin". Cheryl said back walking to her truck. "Why does Joey always get to go with the women all the time?" Chris nagged while gruffly folding his arms. "Quit being such a big baby you freaky haired gremlin" Justin told Chris. "You shut up you q-tip haired pansey ass" Justin ran at Chris and they pretended to start fighting. "QUIT" Danielle said as she tapped JC in the arm to get him to look at Justin stairing at Cheryl and looking at his keys. JC could tell that Justin wanted Cheryl to go with him. He ran over to Cheryl and put his arms around her waist. "Cher..." (c)"what" she said knowing he wanted something. (jc)"can I pleeeeease drive your truck?" (c)"why?" she said (jc)"cause its awesome, you know I love it" he smiled at her with a full toothy smile. (c)"how can I say no to that" she said. "YES!!! Justin Cheryls going with you" (J)"oh no..." he said smiling. "come on, get in" he said as he opened the car door for her. She got in. It ended up being Cheryl, Justin, Chris and Joey in Justins car and JC, Danielle, Lance and Rachael in Cheryls truck. They let Cheryl sit in front with Justin.

When Dreams May Come ~~~Part4~~~

But no one pushed it. Like Chris said, if it happens, it happens. They drove to the club. It took like 20 minutes to drive there. In that time, they were all singing to "I'm too sexy" They were getting right into it and Cheryl couldn't stop laughing. Finally, they arrived at the club. Justin got out and Joey got out behind him. Cheryl and Chris didnt notice them get out because they were too busy talking to eachother. Justin came over and opened Cheryls door for her. "Awww, how sweet" Chris joked. "Your such a gentlmen" he said. Justin slammed the door closed after cheryl got out. "PRICK" Chris yelled reaching in front for the handle to open the door. They walked over to JC and Danielle and them. Then they started walking inside. "OH SHIT" JC said out loud. There were photographers and girls all waiting outside the club. "How do they always know where we are going?" Chris asked. The guys were all walking in front and the girls were slightly behind them. All of a sudden, Justin said "Cheryl, come here". She walked up to him and he said "stay close to me". He took her hand and they walked hand in hand towards the doors. JC and Lance did the same. The girls were used to the guys getting mobbed where ever they went, but they never reacted like this before. They got up to the crowd and girls were screaming and asking for autographs and pictures were being taken left and right. Justin was just smiling away like nothing was unusual. Girls were glaring and whispering at and about Cheryl, Danielle and Rachael, and Cheryl started smiling as if to say Ha Ha. The guys signed some autographs and then they waved and walked into the club. "I hate that" Danielle said. Even after they got into the club, Cherylnoticed that Justin was still holding her hand. She didnt complaine, she just smiled and left it. Justin turned around and asked her "what do you want to drink?" (c)"Tiquila sunrise" she replied smiling. "what are you smiling for?" he asked her. "Nothing" she said swinging her arm. "Oh, sorry" he said letting go. "No, I wasnt complaining was I? He just looked at her and flashed his trade mark smile. He grabbed her hand again and said "I'll be right back okay?" she smiled and said "okay" he just looked at her for a minute and then smiled and shook his head and went to the bar. She stood there looking around for the rest of the guys when a guy came up to her and started talking to her. Justin noticed it, but couldnt really do anything seeings that him and Cheryl werent dating, but he still got a little jealous. He got their drinks and walked over to her. He handed her drink, said "HEY" to that guy and started to walk away. Cheryl grabbed his arm and said "this is Justin". "Oh, the boyfriend, your a lucky guy" he said to Justin. He looked at Cheryl and said "ya, I am". The guy said "well, I should get going, nice to meet ya both" (c)"ya same here" he left. "I'm sorry I said we were dating, I didnt mean to put you on the spot like that" she said to Justin. "hey, dont worry about it" They both smiled and gazed at eachother. "well I am gunna go sit down,I'm probably cramping your style anyways" (j)"No, actually, you make me look good" They smiled at eachother, wanting to grab eachother and start tongue wrestling(sorry about that one) but they both hesitated. A girl came up to Justin and said "excuse me, can I get an autograph?" He looked at Cheryl and she motioned for him to go ahead. She tried hard all the time not to let it bother her when girls would come up to him and hug him or kiss him during a picture or whatever, but this...she couldnt take.... just as Justin got a pen, the girl lifted her skirt and asked him to sign by her hip. "OH MY GOD" she said and walked away. Justin quickly grabbed a napkin off the table, signed it and said "here you go" and walked after Cheryl. "I'm really sorry, I just cant believe some people ya know, like...oh here, sign my ASS, never mind, its none of my buisness anyways" Justin sorta snickered, he knew she was jealous and he liked it. "well, will you come dance with me first before I sign you on as my new bodyguard?" she laughed and said "hey, you'd be well guarded anyways, and hey are you making fun of me?" Justin laughed out loud and hugged her. You know I love you, I wouldnt make fun of you ever.... they looked at eachother......then he said "lets go". They went and danced. On their way back, they seen everyone sitting at a big round table.On their way over, some guy grabbed Cheryls arm and said "hey your pretty good, show me how you move like that" (c)"No thanks" she said trying to pull her arm away. "let go of me" she said getting louder. Justin came up behind her and said "she said leave her alone" pulling her arm free. Justin moved Cheryl to the side and got face to face with this guy.

When Dreams May Come ~~~Part5~~~

"who the hell are you" the guy said. "someone who aint gunna let you treat her like that" Justin said. (c)" Justin, forget it, lets just go, come on" (j)"No, thats bull shit" Meanwhile, Cheryl went and got Joey. Joey ran over there. "whats the problem here?" he said to Justin. "this dick head put his hands on Cheryl" (jo)"you what?" joey said to that guy. "You put your what on my sister? Would you like me to break thoes fuckin' hands you dumb prick.." Joey was about to deck the guy when the bouncers came over. "You, out" they said to the guy. "me, why me?" "because I said so now OUT!!" The bouncer said again. The guy turned around and started walking out. Justin and Joey went and sat down. "wheres Cheryl?" Justin asked Chris. "I dont know, she never came over here" "FUCK" justin said and went to look for her. He saw her standing by the bar talking to Danielle. He walked over there and looked at her. She had been crying. "Hey" he said as he looked at Danielle as if to say can you give us a minute. "hey" she said back. Danielle hugged her and went back to the table. "whats wrong" he asked her as he wiped a tear from her cheek. "what do you mean whats wrong, what was that?" (j)"what was what? I didnt want him putting his hands on you like that?" (c)"ya but Justin..." (j)"no ya buts...I didnt like that, I care about you Cheryl, maybe more than I thought. Things have been so weird latley, like that kiss today, I liked it, and I mean, were supposed to be friends, and I liked it. Doesnt that tell you something? Friends dont kiss eachother like that. Cheryl just looked at him. "what are you saying" she asked him. "I dont know...I..." he looked at her with such intensity. "Justin?" she said. "Ya?" he said back. She slowly moved closer to him.......

When Dreams May Come

They moved closer and then their lips touched. "Wow, again" he said. Cheryl smiled. "Ya know, ever since you came down for christmas and we had that party at our house (the guys all share a big house) and we had that kiss under the misseltoe, remember?" Justin asked her. "Of corse I remember" she said back. "Well, ever since then, things have changed. I think about you more than I should, ya know, like as more than a friend. I keep saying to myself Justin stop, shes your friend, things would get weird, but then I think, we started off as friends, and thats usually when relationships are the best. I think your the best, your fun to hang with, your easy going, your sense of humor is wild, you have great taste in sports, (Cheryl loves b-ball almost as much as Justin) *he smiles really big* and..your sweet, gorgeous, you have one hell of a body, your sensitive yet stuborn, which I think is sooo cute, and most of all, you like us for us. You treat us like normal guys, ya'll do." All this time, Cheryl is in disbelief. She had no idea he felt this way about her at all. "where is all this coming from?" she asked him. "from me" he said. "Oh Justin" she said weeping as she moved in to give him a hug. He wrapped his strong arms around her and put his head on her shoulder. It felt so good to be in his arms. "Why are you shaking?" he asked. "I dont know" They let go of eachother and he just looked at her. "Are you alright?" he said. "Ya, I'm okay, but J, what exactly are you saying?" He snickers. "Well, I want us to be more than friends Bear, (as in Cher Bear, thats what they call her) but I dont want it to be awkward and ruin our friendship" "J, the only difference would be sex" He smiled right away. "I'll tell ya what, neither of us is sure about this, so why dont we just see what happens." "Alright, sure" he said a little dissapointed....