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Sweet Mellie

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The girl got up from her chair and walked toward the platform. Her light blue tee showed off her straight, long red hair. She turned around to face the group of students that had formed in the medium-sized cafeteria.

“Hi, my name is Missy. I’m a senior here in Orlando and I’m just like most of you. I have a problem. It started when I got into high school my freshman year. I went to a party with my newly found older “friends” and I tried it once. I won’t lie. I liked it. Then, I did it more and more and now, I can’t stop.” Tears started to surface. It had been so long since she had cried. A familiar face in the audience nodded in support to show her that she could do this. She was strong enough. “My mom and dad knew something was going on but neither of them knew exactly what was happening to their little girl. They had asked me a few times if something was bothering me and I always said no. I figured that I could stop if I wanted to. They’re here tonight and this means a lot to me that I can tell them this again. I love them and I never want to do something like this to the people I love again. Here goes…” Missy went on to tell her fateful story…

Chapter 1: The Invitation

“You’re late.” Athena simply said. “You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago.” Melissa, or Missy as her friends called her, ran out of the school to meet her friends on their usual park bench.

“Sorry, Mr. Burke was telling me how I could improve my writing skills. He wouldn’t let me leave until I agreed to try to improve my use of adverbial phrases.” She explained her tardiness sarcastically. “Lame stuff.”

“You guys will never guess what happened last night.” Tanya said. “Guess what my mom found.”

“Please tell me she didn’t find your smokes.” Missy demanded. Unlike her friends, she didn’t smoke. Tanya smoked on, basically a regular basis and Athena had gotten got smoking pot about 4 months ago by her mom. Missy wondered sometimes what it would be like to be a rebel and do things your parents would kill you for.

“Yep. They fell out of my purse when I took my stuff downstairs. She threw a fit! I told her I wouldn’t do it anymore. I think I’ll stop for real.” Tanya replied. “Softball is starting up again and the coach will kill me if I’m not hustling and stuff. I can’t hustle if I’m coughing up my appendix.” The girls started to walk towards their neighborhood. They probably never would have become friends if they hadn’t lived next door to each other. Athena and Tanya had been friends since 2nd grade and then missy moved in to the house in between them. They’d all been friends since 4th grade and now they were sophomores and their friendship was stronger than ever.

“I told you that stuff was disgusting.” Athena said.

“Like you have room to talk!” Missy argued. “Whose mom caught them doing pot? Remind me again.”

“Yeah, yeah. I learned my lesson. I’m still grounded. That makes it almost…4 months now and I still can’t do anything with Sarah.” Athena replied.

“Why would you want to?” Tanya asked. “The only thing she does is party.” “Do you guys ever wonder what it would be like to be able to act like that and never get in trouble for it?” Missy asked her friends.

“I used to.” Tanya said. “Then I got caught smoking. Guess how long I’m grounded for.”

“A month?” Missy tried.

“Try about 3.” Tanya corrected. “If I’m grounded for 3 months for cigarettes, how long do you think I would be grounded if my mom caught me with drugs?”

“You’re right.” Missy agreed.

Just then, the infamous Sarah ran up to them. Sarah was a junior and part of the “in” crowd at their high school. The party scene at their school basically revolved around her. She had the best parties, she knew how to get the alcohol, and she always had something new there to try. When she’s drunk, she can be the funniest person you’ve ever met or the bitchiest person you wish you’d never have to meet again. She has a tendency to tell the truth—a lot.

“Hey, Melissa.” Sarah said, ignoring the other two girls. “I’m glad I caught you.”

“Really? Why?” Melissa had never really talked to Sarah before.

“I was wondering if you wanted to get together sometime this weekend.”

Melissa was ecstatic! She had always secretly dreamed of hanging out with Brandon Johnson, the captain of the football team who she had had a major crush on. She didn’t want to get into trouble though.

“Really?” Missy was trying to hide her excitement.

“Yeah, gimme a call later this week. We’ll do something Friday. ‘Kay?” Sarah was serious about the invitation. “I gotta go. My friends and I are going to the mall. Bye!” Then, Sarah ran off down the street towards her friend’s car.

“Bye!” Missy waited until she was out of hearing distance. “Can you believe that?! Sarah McCuiston asked me to do something with her this weekend!” Missy couldn’t hold her excitement anymore and then looked at her friends’ stone expressions. “What?!” “Are you seriously going to call her?” Tanya asked. “Seriously, Missy. What do you think her plans are?” Athena wanted to know. “Do you really think you’re going to have fun?” “No.” Missy replied. “You guys are right. I’ll call and tell her I can’t go.” “Good girl.” Tanya joked. “See you guys later.” She ran off to her front porch. Athena and Missy were quiet as they walked to their own houses not knowing what to say.

Chapter 2: The Fight

Three days had passed and no one really mentioned it. Wednesday at school, the incident with Sarah was basically forgotten. Then Sarah and Missy ran in to each other, literally, in the halls between 4th hour and lunch.

“Oh! Hey, Missy!” Sarah realized who she bumped into. “So, how are you?” “Oh, I’m good. Look about Friday—“ Sarah interrupted her. “It’s gonna be so much fun! I heard about your crush on Brandon and I told him I invited you this weekend and I asked him if he knew you were. He said he was looking forward to meeting you.” Sarah went on before Missy could tell her she couldn’t go. This time, Missy couldn’t hide her excitement. “Really?! Wow!” Missy exclaimed. Then she thought about what she told Athena and Tanya. “What time are you picking me up again?” she asked as a look of satisfaction spread across Sarah’s face.

*** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~

Walking home after school was quiet for Missy. ‘Should I tell them I’m going or should I keep it to myself?’ she thought. She didn’t know what to do.

“Missy? Are you okay?” Athena had a concerned look on her face. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Missy lied. She couldn’t decide to tell or keep it to herself and not tell anyone. “Okay, anyway.” Tanya continued with the story Missy wasn’t listening to. “Then Katie told us this joke about men and pantyhose and…oh, how did that go—“ Missy interrupted her. “Actually no. I have something to tell you guys.” She had to tell them. “Brandon Johnson is excited and looking forward to meeting me this weekend!” she tried to sound as excited as possible to avoid the obvious topic. “That’s great! “ Athena said. “How is he going to meet you again?” “Oh, well…I’m gonna meet him at Sarah’s house.” Missy acted like the incident Monday had never happened. “He’s going to pick us up and we’re going to the Pit.” “Sarah’s? Pick you up? The Pit?!” Tanya exclaimed. “Run that all by me again. I think I missed something.” “What do you mean?! I thought you weren’t going.” A hurt look crossed Athena’s face. “You guys don’t have any idea how long I’ve waited for this day! Brandon Johnson wants to meet me. ME! Do you even know how happy this makes me?” Missy explained. “Do you realize how much trouble you’ll get into if you’re caught?” Athena yelled. She couldn’t get it into her friend’s head that Sarah was an arrest waiting to happen. “Get caught doing what?” Missy had a confused look on her face. Her friends exchanged a glance that had the “Duh” look to it. “Missy, you’re not that dense. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Athena said. She knew her friend wasn’t that stupid. “Drinking, smoking, crank, acid, ecstasy. Ring a bell?” Missy just giggled. “You guys know me better than that! Gimme a break.” Missy tried to assure her friends. “I’m only going to get to know Brandon. I’m not gonna do anything. You guys gotta give me some credit here.” “That’s the point.” Tanya said. She’d been silent long enough. “I don’t even know if I know you anymore. Usually, you would have turned down an offer like that. You’re changing and I—we can’t do anything about it.” Athena nodded in agreement. Both girls looked to their friend for a reaction. After a few seconds, they got one. “Fine. You guys don’t know me anymore. If I’m changing so much, why are you still around?!” Missy turned on her heel and stormed towards her house before either girl could respond. “You’re right, ya know.” Athena supported her friend after a few moments of silence in the streets. “I noticed it, too.” “She used to bug us about smoking and I’m afraid she’ll make the same mistake we did.” Tanya was near tears. Missy, Athena, and her hardly ever fought. “Athena, I don’t want to see her get hurt.” “I know.” Athena answered. “I know.”

Chapter 3: The Party

Two days had passed and Missy hadn’t talked to Athena or Tanya. She got rides to and from school with Sarah and her friends and Sarah had stopped by her house Thursday before she went to work.


“So, are you excited about tomorrow night?” Sarah asked. “Brandon’s getting a little edgy.” “Are you kidding?” Missy answered excitedly. “I can barely contain myself!” “So, what are you gonna wear?” “I was thinking my tan cargoes with my maroon and navy Gap sweater.” She held up the clothes. “What do you think?” “Looks good.” Sarah agreed. “I told Brandon that you love N Sync. He was really surprised.” “Really? What’d he say?” “Yeah, he figured that they were only for 10 year olds. His little sister likes them.” “Oh, I love them. They’re my favorite group.” A look of sorrow crossed Missy’s face. “Tanya, Athena, and I went to their show a couple of weeks ago.” “Are you talking to them yet?” Sarah wondered. She never did like Athena. If, by chance they were in the same room together, Athena took all the attention. “You should make up with them. They’re your friends.” Missy shook her head in protest. “They don’t understand. They never want to just…cut loose. Have some fun. Ya know?” Missy tried to explain. “But I promised them I wouldn’t do anything.” “That’s fine. Brandon rarely does anything anyway. Once in a while he’ll throw back a couple but he’s usually the designated driver.” Sarah glanced at her watch. “I better go. I have to go do homework then go to work. Bye!” “Alright. See ya!” End flashback

Missy waited in the white colored foyer as she watched for Sarah’s sapphire blue truck. A couple minutes later, it pulled into her semicircle driveway. “Bye, Mom! I’ll be home by 12:30!” Melissa rushed out of the house, not waiting for a response from her mom. She hopped into the truck and glanced at the clock. “What time is Brandon picking us up at your house?”

“Change in plans.” She simply replied. “We’re meeting him at the Pit at 7.” The clock read 6:45. “Then we better get going!” Missy exclaimed. It took twenty minutes to the Pit, which was on the outskirts of Orlando. 15 minutes later, they pulled into the rocky lot of the Pit. The Pit was known for it’s wild parties but for some reason, no one came to bust them. The Pit was a deserted building that was still in good shape. It had two floors and a spot that resembled a bar where they kept the alcohol for the night. When Missy and Sarah arrived, hardly anyone was there.

“Where is everyone?” Missy asked curiously. “Everyone goes out somewhere before and then gets here around 9 or so.” Sarah explained. “The only people that get here early were the alcoholics who are here every day anyway.” She pointed out a few people already drunk off of their ass. “So, why are we here so early?” “We’re meeting Brandon here at 7 and then we’re going to go get something to eat in this diner that’s down the road.” She finally told Missy what the plans were. “You nervous?” “Nah.” Missy lied. “Uh-huh.” Sarah didn’t believe a word she said. “I think that’s his car.” Missy watched a blue Neon weave through the turns of the road leading up to the Pit.

“Okay, now I’m nervous.” Missy admitted. “Chill. There’s no reason to be.” Sarah tried to reassure her. “Just be yourself. He’ll love you. Believe me.” Brandon got out of his car and walked toward them. Missy admired everything about him. His denim cargoes, his white shirt under a brown plaid print button up shirt. He looked good. In Missy’s eyes, he always looked good. “Hi. I’m Brandon.” He reached out his hand to hers. “I know, I mean…um, I’m Missy. Or Melissa. Whichever you like.” She had never felt more embarrassed in her life. She extended her hand and shook his. A jolt ran through her body as she touched his hand. She couldn’t believe this was coming true! “So, are you two ready to go?” Sarah interrupted their gaze. “Oh, uh…yeah.” Missy broke from Brandon’s deep brown eyes. Sarah got in first, letting Missy sit in front with Brandon. Missy couldn’t help glancing at Brandon every 15 seconds. Maybe it was her imagination, but he kept looking at her, too. “Have you ever been to the Pit?” he asked, looking in Missy’s direction.

“No, this is my first time.” Missy couldn’t believe he was actually talking to her! “I never thought I’d come here.” “Really?” Brandon looked surprised at her answer. “Anyway, I hear you like N Sync.” “Yeah, they’re great. My friends and I went to their show a couple of weeks ago.” The sorrowness fell over her face again, but she quickly pushed the feeling away. She wasn’t going to let that ruin her night. “It was really fun.”

“Yeah. My younger sister likes them. I pretty much know “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by heart.” Brandon joked. “They’re okay, I guess. But I really like that slow song they sing. I can’t think of the na—“ “God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You?” that was Missy’s favorite song. “Yeah! That’s it. That’s a really good song.” Brandon shot a smile her way. A minute or two passed and they arrived at Benny’s, a small diner that was basically empty. They walked in, sat down, and ordered. They talked more about the football team next year, Sarah’s parents (who had been giving her a hard time), and how “strict” Missy’s curfew was. Since Brandon was the designated driver and Sarah would more than likely be plastered by midnight, he offered to give Missy a ride home. Missy readily accepted. At 8:45, Brandon finished his last bite and they were ready to pay and leave.

“Here.” Missy handed Brandon a five-dollar bill to pay for her food, but he refused. “I got it.” He simply said to her and Missy got another chance to check out his pearly whites. “Shall we party?” Brandon asked, offering his arm to Missy. “We shall.” Missy was having the night of her life and it wasn’t even halfway over yet. Another 10 minutes in the car and they were, again, parked in the rocks of the Pit’s lot. “I wonder what they brought for me this week.” Sarah said out loud to herself. “What is she talking about?” Missy whispered to Brandon as Sarah ran to the door.

“You know John Sturm?” Missy nodded. “He brings something new for her to try every other weekend. Last time it was angeldust.” Missy had no idea what they were talking about until he said angeldust. “Oh.” Missy didn’t say anything else. Brandon walked into the building with Missy on his arm. Many girls’ heads twisted to see who Brandon had arrived with. Some gave her nasty looks. “Missy!” Sarah yelled over the booming Sugar Ray music. “Come here!” She ran over to Sarah with Brandon and saw what Sarah wanted. She saw a glass of beer in Sarah’s hand.

Chapter 4: To drink, or not To Drink?

Missy never thought she would be the one to encounter this kind of situation. She looked to Brandon. “If you want to,” was all he said. Melissa’s mind went back to Tanya and Athena and the fun they had had together. ‘Athena and Tanya are great friends,’ she told herself. ‘Don’t betray their trust.’ Then, the notorious “bad-twin” appeared. ‘C’mon. Cut loose. Have some fun! What’s it gonna do? Kill ya? Only this once.’ She agreed with the bad side. “Bring it on!” Missy said finally. Some people in the crown even cheered. “Have you ever drank before?” Sarah asked. Missy turned and smiled to her new friend. “No,” she replied. “But now is a good a time as ever.” “That’s my girl!” Sarah exhumed pride. It wasn’t her goal to turn Missy bad. She just thought Missy would be someone fun to hang out with. If Missy was having fun, so was Sarah. Sarah just had a tendency to get bored with the same friends and usually moved on to new ones within a couple of months.

The night went on and the drinks were passed around. Sarah was drunk by midnight, but Missy was just as bad. “Sarah, what are we gonna do with Missy?” Brandon asked his intoxicated friend. “We can’t take her home like this. She’ll be in so much trouble.” “So take her to my house. Duh!!” Sarah started laughing hysterically for no reason at all. “Fine.” Brandon walked toward Missy and put her in the car. The car ride home was loud. Missy wouldn’t stop talking. She was majorly flirting with Brandon but he knew it was the alcohol. He didn’t respond to her drunk advances because he didn’t want to do something he would regret. He started to like her throughout the night, but he couldn’t be sure because he had just met her. When they reached Sarah’s house, he instructed that she be very quiet as he lead her up to Sarah’s room. He leaned over, turned down the volume on the radio and turned it on.

“Oh, I love this song!” Missy whispered to him. “Dance with me.” She grabbed his hand and walked to the middle of the room as “God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You” came softly over the airwaves. Brandon just wanted to get her to sleep and go home. Halfway through the song, Brandon looked down at Melissa who was fast asleep on his shoulder. He laid her down on the bed, pulled the covers up, and silently crept out of the house.

Chapter 5: 4 months later

“Come on, Missy!” Sarah yelled up the stairs. “Let’s go!” “I’m coming!” Missy yelled back. “Gosh, keep your shirt on!” “Well, we’re gonna be late!” Sarah reminded her. “We have to meet everyone at the corner at 8!” The Pit was now “out of service” because someone finally decided to bust them after 3 years of successful high school partying. Luckily, Missy and Sarah were out with some people they had met from a different Orlando high school. These other new friends weren’t real friends, as Melissa would soon discover. These new acquaintances introduced Missy to drugs. Not cigarettes and alcohol, but more hard-core stuff. With Sarah’s help, Mark (the biggest influence) successfully got Missy stoned for the first time in her life about 3 and a half months ago.


Sarah and Melissa had gone to the other school’s nightly hang-out for a reason unknown to Melissa. Missy was hesitant when they brought out the weed. Sarah described how good it felt to be “out of yourself” for a couple of hours. Mark gave her a good deal. The first time was free (lucky her!). She smelled the fumes from others who had already lit up and gagged. Of course, everyone laughed and she let it go and laughed with them. Naturally, Missy was afraid of many things. Getting caught, her parents smelling on her, there were many things keeping her from trying it. But one thing gave her all the temptation she needed to go ahead and do it. A comment Sarah made when Missy got drunk the first time. What harm will a little alcohol do? She had said. It didn’t do much. Missy took the joint. Now, smoking with other people from the rival high school was a weekly thing for Missy and Sarah.

End flashback

In fact, that’s where they we’re going tonight. “Come on, Missy,” Sarah moaned with an annoyed tone. Finally, Melissa appeared in the doorway “Alright. Let’s go.” Missy said, shoving Sarah through the door. “Who all is going tonight?” “Mark and the usual people, I guess,” Sarah replied. “Unless he invited someone we don’t know about. Maybe Jake will be there again.’

“Oh no. I’m not doing that again.” Missy refused. She remembered the short lived “fling” with Brandon she had about 4 months ago. They dated for about 3 weeks then he broke it off. He said she was getting too wild for him. “What do you mean?” “I’m not going to start dating someone I know nothing about.” Missy explained as she stared out the window of Sarah’s truck.

“Anyway.” Sarah left the tender subject alone. “I wonder what Mark will bring for us to try this time.” “I hope he has more crank. That is the best stuff I think I’ve ever tried.” Missy told her. “I’m sure there’ll be some there again,” Sarah replied. “Did you bring your money?” “Yeah.” “Alright, let’s go.” Sarah said as the truck pulled up to the Lincoln Navigator Mark’s parents had bought him for his birthday. Missy and Sarah stepped out of the truck and walked toward the campfire where everyone sat. Small talk was commenced and the drugs were passed around. Missy always thought of the promise she made to Athena and Tanya 4 months ago before she inhaled the marijuana. Sometimes she felt a twinge of guilt but the feeling always subsided as the drug passed through her body. As the joint came her way again, the same feeling came over her as usual. The guiltiness cleared as she rose to the high once again.

Chapter 6: A new offer

After a while, Missy’s new friends and social encounters made their way around the large school. Nice, young, clean Missy Adams is running with the druggie crew. Different rumors with different sources were being spread. Most of which weren’t true, but might as well have been. Melissa was addicted to heroin, or Melissa was pregnant and the baby was from some guy from the other school. When Athena and Tanya heard these, they couldn’t believe how much their old friend was changing. They didn’t believe the rumors, but they knew she wasn’t the same. They went to talk to one of their new friends, Rachael, who always had good advice for anyone who asked for it.

“Hey, Rach! How’s it goin’?” Athena asked. “Oh, it’s goin’. I talked to Justin last night.” Rachael replied. “He’s looking forward to meeting you guys.” “Well, the feeling is definitely likewise!” Tanya exclaimed. Rachael had just moved to Orlando from Nashville. She had gone to the same school as Justin Timberlake from N Sync and even though he was a famous pop star, they kept in touch. “So, when are they coming?” Athena asked excitedly. “When do I get to meet JC?!” “Soon. They’re coming back for a month to work on their new album.” Rachael said. “In about a week and a half. Oh! Have you guys heard the latest gossip?” “Yeah. God, why can’t people mind their own business?” Athena demanded. “Who really believes that Melissa would really sleep with a guy just to get drugs?” Tanya asked. “I don’t. Mel would never do that!” “I have an awesome idea!” Athena told her two friends. “Why don’t we try to get Mel back with us?” “I don’t know Athena. She was pretty mad at us.” Tanya protested. “We could invite her to come with us to meet Justin and the other guys! That would tell her that we’re still here for her.” Athena ignored Tanya’s refusal. She turned to Rachael and continued. “Would that be okay?” “Sure,” Rachael agreed. “I don’t see why not. It’s worth a shot.” “I’ll go find her.” Athena was down the clearing hallway before Tanya could muster another syllable.

* ~ * ~

* ~ “Hey, Melissa!” Athena yelled down the hall. After 5 minutes of searching the school, she spotted her old friend. Melissa turned and was surprised to see Athena yelling her name. It was almost like nothing had changed. “What’s up?” Melissa said softly. “Well…do you know Rachael Karlin? The girl in our language arts class last semester?” “Yeah, why?” “Well, her, Tanya, and I were wondering if you wanted to do something with us next Thursday night since we don’t have school Friday.” “Sure. What are we doing?” Melissa was happy Athena was talking to her again. “Well, we thought we’d go bowling, go out to dinner, meet N Sync, and go to a movie.” She said quickly, hoping Missy caught on. “Wait a minute.” Missy said with a strange look on her face. “Back up.” “Go bowling?” Athena played stupid. “No, after that.” “Out to eat?” “After that.” “The movie?” “NO!” “Oh, N Sync?!” “Yeah! Are you serious?” “Yeah, Rachael used to go to school with Justin. So, what do you say?” Again, Athena played stupid. “Of course, I’ll go!” Missy was never more excited in her life! “Alright! I’ll call you with the details later.” Athena told her as Missy ran off to meet Sarah. When Missy was out of earshot, she spoke to herself. “My friend is back.”

Chapter 7: The Meeting

“Can you believe we’re actually doing this?!” Athena said into the phone. She was talking to Tanya as she searched for something to wear when she met Justin, JC, Joey, Lance, and Chris. “I know! I never even in my wildest dreams thought that we would actually get to meet them!” Tanya added. “This is a freakin’ dream come true!” Athena shouted into the phone. “I gotta go. My mom has to use the phone to call someone at work. I’ll see you at 5:30, right?” “Right. Bye!” Athena hung up and immediately called Rachael.

“Hello?” a guy’s voice answered the phone. By his voice, he sounded pretty hot. “Hi, this is Athena. Is Rachael there?” “Uh, hold on.” He tried to muffle the phone with his hand, but it didn’t work too well. “Hey, JC! Is Rachael here?” Athena almost dropped the phone. “Is this Justin?” Athena tried to sound as calm as possible. “Um, yeah.” He told her. “Don’t tell anyone, okay?” “Oh, I won’t. I’m Athena. One of Rachael’s friends that you’re going to meet tonight.” “Oh, hi!” Justin said. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight. Here’s Rach. Bye, Athena.” “Bye!” she could hardly contain herself. She just conversed with Justin Timberlake! “Hey!” Rachael finally got on the phone. “How’d you like that?” “OH MY GOSH!!!” Athena screamed into the phone. “I heard that!” she heard Justin say in the background. Athena decided to lower her voice. “Is JC there?” Athena composed herself. “Sure, you wanna talk to him?” (writer’s note: people like to play dumb in this story don’t they?!) “DUH!” “Okay, okay! Hey JC! You wanna talk to my friend Athena? You’re gonna meet her later bowling.” Rachael said. “Sure.” JC took the phone. “Hey.” “Uh…um, hi.” Athena suddenly slipped into shy mode. What would she say to him? “So, how are you?” JC was as nice as any person could be. Athena finally popped out of her shell and chatted with Joshua Scott for 10 minutes before they had to go pick up Joey, Lance, and Chris at the hotel. Athena went and picked up Tanya and Melissa in her newly received Escort with her newly acquired drivers’ license. Around 5:45, they arrived at the bowling alley. The introductions were quick and pretty much one-sided because the girls already knew who all the guys were. It was obvious that Justin and Melissa automatically clicked. In other words, they kept making each other laugh, they couldn’t talk to anyone else, and they couldn’t keep their eyes off of each other.

Dinner was also quite eventful. Chris, being the crazy guy he is, managed to start a food fight towards the end of the meal with Joey. Luckily, since it was at the end of the meal, they finished their food before they got kicked out. Finally, the movie. Of course, Justin sat by Melissa on the end, then Tanya, Joey, Athena, JC, Lance, Rachael, and Chris. Missy was off thinking in her own world. Did she have to tell Justin that she was a regular at the dope parties on Fridays? She decided against it. It’s not like they were married or together or anything. She didn’t have a real obligation to tell him. Besides, this was probably a one-time thing, and a one-time chance and she wasn’t going to blow it. She could feel a pair of eyes looking at her. Melissa glanced to her right at Justin and realized the eyes were his. He gave the sexy smirk he was well-known for. Being as bold as she had become in the last few months, she reached for his hand in the dark, intertwining their fingers together. This was definitely a night she wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

Chapter 8: The First Sign

The first whole week N Sync was in Orlando, they didn’t have anything scheduled except to live it up and have fun. That Friday, Justin, Mellie (Justin’s name for Missy), Athena, and JC decided to go to an all-age club. Justin and Missy were shredding up the dance floor for a while when Missy saw someone she knew and drug Justin over to meet him. “Mark, hey!” Missy yelled over the loud music. “How are you?” “I’m good. Who’s your friend?” Mark looked suspiciously at Justin. “Oh, he’s my new friend, Justin. He’s visiting Rachael. Justin, this is Mark.” “Hey.” Justin said. He didn’t feel a very good vibe coming from Mark. “Hey.” Mark quickly forgot about Justin. “Where’s Sarah?” “I don’t know. I’m here with JC and Athena.” She tried to avoid anymore comments about Sarah, which didn’t work. “You guys should’ve come to the Bowl. It was slammin’…” Mark went on as Melissa tried to silence him subtly. “… There was new stuff there. Man, you’ve gotta try it.” “Oh, we better get back to JC and Athena. Bye.” She quickly ushered Justin away from Mark and back to their table. “Who was that?” Justin asked curiously. “Mark is a friend of mine from school.” She didn’t want to answer anymore questions. “Do you wanna dance some more?” “Sure.” Just then, “…Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears came through the large speakers. The two, once again, tore up the dance floor and even drew a crowd through the duration of the #1 single. Then the DJ spoke. “I wanna say good job to the couple keepin’ it real on the floor! We’ve been going all night so we’re gonna slow it down now. This next one’s by some friends of Britney’s. Here’s N Sync with their new single, “I Drive Myself Crazy”.” Justin bowed to Mellie. “May I have this dance?” he asked as he cordially asked for her hand. “You may.” As they swayed to the soft ballad, Justin softly sang in Melee’s ear. “I was such a fool. I couldn’t see it, just how good you were to me…” Missy swooned and she knew they had a great friendship blossoming. A dreadful feeling that she had felt in the theater came over her again. What if Justin found out about her weekend parties? Her own family didn’t know that she got drunk every weekend. Would this blond angel leave? Would he ever forgive her? She finally came to the conclusion that he could never find out. They’d only known each other for a week, but she knew they had something no one else saw. She popped back into reality and heard Justin croon the chorus.

“I lie awake, I drive myself crazy. Drive myself crazy thinking of you. Made a mistake when I let you go baby. I drive myself crazy wanting you the way that I do.” She looked to her right and saw Athena leaning on JC as they swayed to the music. She closed her eyes and slipped away in the moment.