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Band History!

On this page you will learn about NSync's Band History.If you wanna get N touch with NSync this is the page for you.We present to you......BAND HISTORY!

"Chris, Chris is the one who made the initial call," claims JC. Justin knew JC because they were on the Mickey Mouse Club and Chris knew Joey from Universal Studios. Justin knew Chris from some auditions and Joey knew JC chummed around with some people in the MMC."Chris called me and said I wanna do this, I wanna get a group together and I immediatly called JC," Justin exclaimed.After Justin called JC they got together in Florida. "The three of them got together and actually went to a club and bumped into me," Joey told us. They started singing together and realized that they sounded really good. But there was one thing missing and that was a bass voice."Joey was like the lowest but he didn't have a bass voice," explained Chris. "We had some nice airy stuff, and we had movement in our harmonies but we wanted a round sound. Top to bottom," JC explained. So they got Justin to get N'Touch with his vocal coach and he recomended Lance to take the part. They immediatly flew Lance down to Flordia to sing with the fab four. "I got there and imediatly fell in love with the group and I was in," explained Lance. "Once we heard him sing with us we were like that's it. Those were the five pieces it's like your hand. And,and that's it," confirmed JC.

Thats the scoop everyone. If we give you a quiz we expect an 'A' on the History part of it. Ok? Alright.
