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Are You A True Fan?!

Hey Yall! Melissa and Heidi here ready to test your NSync IQ! Here is the "Scoop"....

We are going to ask a series of question. Write your answers down on a piece of paper or an e-mail. Send the answers to (note: the address link at the bottom of the screen). Please subject your mail as QUIZ ANSWERS. We will check your answers. If you answer all of them correctly we will send you a awesome prize. This prize will consist of 6 pics, 2 wavs, and a movie! For those of you who send in the answers and did not get them all correct you will still get a prize for participating! A pic or wav of your choice. So either way you are a winnner! Sound fair? Please specify for us in the mail with your answers if you have AOL 4.0 or AOL 3.0. Along with the prizes we will be send you your rating as a fan.Good Luck to everyone who enters!



1~ Who said this "In Spain man, they're like really grabby. They're like scratchy."

2~ According to Chris, who is like a Tickle me Elmo?

3~ Who has a Tickle Me Elmo?

4~ What is the total number of holes in the group NSyncs ears?

5~ Who went to school with one of the BSB?

6~ Who said "Somebody Call Wordrobe"? (hint: off of TRL. reffering to Carson Daly)

7~ According to MTV's NSYNCS TOP VIDEOS, who has a cat named Belle?

8~ How did Lance get the scar above is eye?

9~ What are the names of Chris' four sisters?

10~ Out of NSync who is the youngest amoungst their siblings?

11~ Who said this..."Our live show is very stimulating visually and its...FUN!"?

12~ Who sings the first verse in "It's Christmas"?

13~ How many Euorpean NSync CDs have been released?

14~ Who says...."It's a slammin song. Its my favorite one on our..on our albumn"

15~ What is the name of Lynn Harless' management team?

16~ Who said "Just let go" to Carson Daly on NSync TV?

17~ In "For The Girl Who Has Everything" who squirts every one with the champagne?

18~ "Who takes the pic of them in the video "For The Girl Who Has Everything"?

19~ Who has a brother-in-law by the name Ford?

20~ According to NSync's Top 40 who's fave drink is water?

21~Who's Aunt baked cookies for Rosie when they were on the Rosie O Donnell show?

22~ Who is Joey dating?

23~ During the Disney N Concert (first one) when Joey was giving the tour of the bus who was siting next to JC?

24~ On Disney N Concert who was sitting on Justin's lap during the Animal Kingdom Safari? (hint: It wasnt Melissa or Heidi)

25~ Who is JC dating?

26~ During the video "I Drive Myself Crazy" who was singing to thier shoe?

27~ In "Tearin' Up My Heart" who swings from a rope at the end?

28~ In N the Mix who is wearing the Denver Broncos jersey in the limo when they are singing?

29~ In "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" what did the newspaper headline read?

30~ In the "Tearin Up My Heart" video how many weights were on the weight bar that JC was sitting on or by?

31~On the Disney Christmas concert speical at the end who brought the first kid up on stage?

32~ On Disney N Concert during " God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You" which two members of NSync scratch their noses ?

33~ When they were on MTV's NSYNC TV at the end of the "Tearin Up My Heart" performance who winked and waveed at the camera?

34~ In the "U Drive Me Crazy" video who is driving the car ?

35~ In the "U Drive me Crazy" video they dress as the Spice Girls who were each guy dressed as?

36~ In "Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays" video Who is the first one to shake Gary Colemans hand?

37~ What kinda cologne does each member wear?

38~ Who said that they would like to do a song with Jewel?

39~ When they were on the Howie Mandell show who was the first one to walk out on stage?

40~ What is their keyboardist's name?

41~ On the MMC what was JC's role on Emerald Cove?

42~ Who said on FANatic "I'm ready for meeting and greeting"?

43~On the Disney concert who is choking in the background while Chris was talking about the group?

44~ In the "I Want You Back" video who is Chris dragging around in the back when they are playing pool

45~ In the "I Want You Back" Mega Mix video who's face is shown in the pool ball?

46~ What was the first concert JC ever went to?

47~ Who said that he picked his nose as a child and that's why he has big nostrils?

48~What was the first albumn Lance bought?

49~ During the Disney concert they showed all the guys playing b-ball who said "Look at Lance with his hands all over"?

50~ Who is the band that rocks our world?


Hey you guyz! We hope that you enjoyed take our "little" *NSync IQ quiz.Be sure you send your answers to the address at the bottoom ofyour screen. Also if you have any questions or comments please notify us at the address on the bottom of this screen. We hope to here from you all soon. Thanx for visiting our page.

Much Love, God Bless, Later Dayz, and Stay *NSync

Melissa and Heidi

***On part 2 of this website we will have more contest like this with even better prizes! So check it out when we post it!***
