The screams echoed in her ears as she ran, her lungs burning with the icy winter air and the physical beating they were taking. So hot...too hot...the fire was a living thing, seeking out those who couldn't run fast enough, who couldn't turn away in time...or those who tried to save them. She tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, the physical pain and the emotional agony combining into a creature that ripped at her heart, tearing sobs from her small body for what seemed like an eternity. Finally her tears subsided. Exhausted but feeling a strange peace, she turned to face the horizon in the direction from which she had come. The orange glow still lit the night sky and she could just make out what was left of the church steeple...now a black and charred needle piercing the night sky. Taking a last look, she turned and started walking into the night and towards a new life.
Table of Contents
Email: sara1882@hotmail.com