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Announcement Page


Ok here goes...I wasn't creative enough to make up all my own characters so I used Disney's. They are not mine. Basically, if you saw them in the movie they belong completely and totally to Disney. I'm not making any money at all off of them so Disney please don't get mad!

However, Annalesa McGaren, Sean Collins, Father Collins, and any other townspeople are mine from Annalesa's Story, and in To Cross That Line, Linnea Cunningham is mine. If you want to use them, please just ask me. Thanks!

The poems in To Cross That Line are Byron's.


Just thought I'd add this little section to say thanks to anyone who needs thanking. Ummm...well first off thank *you* for coming to visit my page and even taking the time to read this page. And then thanks to Grace who has helped me proofread Annalesa's story and has even given me some ideas on the matter. (Yes I am going to use that idea, Grace!) And thanks to Angie for my awesome banner! And even though this may sound silly...thanks to Angelfire because theirs is the only service I've been able to convince my computer to like.

