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Ok are just a few rules. Not many, just enough to keep this place from running wild. So read on and if you agree with the "terms and conditions" then go ahead and send in your stories!

Be nice to the beta readers! Even if they say something you don't like they are devoting their time to your story and they have promised to be nice to you so please return the favor...not that you wouldn't. =)
This rule pretty much goes without saying but NO NC-17 STORIES!!! (see rating categories below)

Rating Categories

Note: These rating definitions are borrowed from the Touched By an Angel Creative Connection, who borrowed them from the Gossamer Archives (X-Files Fanfic).

G: Good for all audiences.
PG: Deals with slightly touchy subject matter, maybe someone says a bad word in a fit of anger.
PG-13: Deals with -really- touchy subject matter, a considerable amount of swearing, violence, or sexual innuendo.
R: Graphic violence and a lot of swearing, touchy subject matter.
NC-17: Extremely graphic violence or detailed descriptions of sexual situations.

Now...why I put the ratings here. Please do not ask the readers to read anything over PG-13 without asking. If your story is R, e-mail the reader and explain what makes the story R, then if they are willing to read it, go ahead. And if you happen to have written an NC-17 story...we do not want to hear about it! If a reader tells me they received an NC-17 story, I will e-mail the writer and ask what possessed them to do such a thing and we'll figure out the rest later. I don't think that will ever happen, but, you know, I have to write it just in case.

Submission Form

To make it easier on everyone, please put in the subject line of your email the story title and parts as in "My Story- 1/5" if your story has 5 parts. If you're not sure how many parts it will have, just put a question mark. Then in the body of the e-mail just use this form as a heading:
Title:(also put part number after title here)
Rating:(and reasons for that rating)
Disclaimer:(hey...I don't want anyone getting sued!)

After following these easy steps, you'll have a first-rate submission. Good luck and most importantly have fun!

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