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Submitting Your Photo

To submit your photo, all you need to do is click on the Submit a Photo link below. Please remember to send your photo as an attachment.

Only parents or grandparents are allowed to submit a photo for the contest. If you are not a parent or grandparent, please make sure you have persmission from the parent before submitting your photo. I do not want to have any problems after the contest has started with having to remove a picture because the parent did not have prior knowledge of the picture being sent.

By clicking on the Submit a Photo link below and sending your photo to me, you acknowledge that your child's photo will be used on this website and entered into the photo contest.

For your protection, I want to reassure you that no one will be able to copy your child's photo. This site is "right click" protected, so no one will be able to right click their mouse button and save your picture.

Please remember to include with your picture your child's age and name.

Submit a Photo