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Home of the Horse!


Dark Horse Design

Angelfire totally screwed up this page, so this is the new and hardly improved, revamped version of the origional "Home of the Horse" page. This is just kind of a primordial soup of my life in general. If you couldn't tell, I love horses. Yeah, there's only two horse links, but I had several others and they were mysteriously deleted (along with most of the rest of this homepage!).

Just a little about myself I guess then I'll let you about your business. I'm Mel (we'll leave it at that). I'm a college student at Furman University. I love horses, music, cars and other unmentionables. (If I mentioned them, I'd have to charge you to visit!) I just kind of hang out, ride horses and play music on various woodwind and percussion instruments.

I'm a band nerd (which are by far the coolest nerds!) and a computer nerd (but not your conventional computer nerd!). I'm marching with the ever so esteemed Paladin Regiment Marching Band of Furman University. Oh yeah, I play clarinet while I march.

Well, I'll let you on about your business. Please do check out "The Memories", it's a a collection of writings by the yet unpublished David Matthew Dechane. And while you're at it, go ahead and check out the Silver Stirups homepage. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. And if you have anything to say, please do email me.

Links. . . you should seriously consider checking these out

  • If you check out any page in this list, check this one out FIRST!
  • And this should be the next stop on your list. . . The Silver Stirups Homepage
  • Meet my friends why don't ya?
  • Looking to buy a bassoon? Check this page out for pics!
  • My cyberpets
  • You can find stories of my riding life here.
  • My little corner of the German American Partnership Program
  • The same page as above except auf Deutsch, for unser Deutsche besucher.

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