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Crimping Your Views

Hey What are your views on Cripming? Remember cripming? big big tackey hair? Low down big tackey hair! Well this page is for your views... tell me what you think.. the question is Is Cripming coming back? and do you like the Crimping look? Please e-mail mje and tell me what you think. Be sure to check out my cuz's page on crimping and general views!!!

Well untill you mail me there is no views yet! mail me!

Well I'm bored! no one has views!! Well I'll put up a pic!

Now tell me do you like this pic? as much as I do? I think it's really cute! Seeing as I have no views, I want a name for this little picture! I guess it's a contest! What name will win?

********** THIS CODE IS JUST FUN!!**********
it makes you spin!!!
