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Stephanie's Page

I now have a award winning web page! I have won two awards and will put the other one up soon. Okay?


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Don't Break My Heart.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

This page is updated everyday! So come back.

Hi everyone, if ther is people who actually come to my page? Well I've been sooooooooooooooo busy with my other page and a week at camp! I have a kick ass page and I mean it really does kick! So this was my first page and now is just a learning place for me! Well please e-mail me! And I do update this as much as I can!

Hi and Welcome to my page. My name is Stephanie. My birthday is March 29.

I would like to put some southpark stuff on this page so if you have any e-mail me!ˇ! To e-mail me just click on the mail-box

I would like to say hi to my sisters Andrea and Erin and I have to say hi to my weird cuz Alex or as she wants to be called Mrs.Zac Hanson/Mrs. Sean she thinks she's going to marry them well she can dream! Her brother Willy, hi Willy! My Aunt Shelly, Hi. Well that's what I have to do, but I want to say hi to my friend Princess Sarah well as you can guess she likes Prince William. She's very nice.

Do you have ICQ? because I do e-mail me your number and we can talk and chat there.

I've got a great Your stuff Page

Hey! I've got a Thank you Page

This is for Princess Sarah, because it's almost her birthday. On March 31 is her birthday.Happy birthday Sarah! . click on this and send a postcard,to someone give it a try!

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Well this is the second time for me writing this because it deleted!

Well this is to prove that I do edit my page! I really do! WEll I have been busy with school and my trip to the USA and that was fun.

Hmmm wait I love as you know South Park! and guess what *yuck* Cartman's dad is Cartman's mom *yuck* talk about messed up family. That would just screw up his social life!

Guess what well wait you don't know what because I haven't told you yet well NE ways my friend Jasmine and I are making a movie! Ya it's like a Jerry Springer like movie, it will be good and funny!

Have you seen the new show Daswon's Creak? It's my favorite show and you should atleast watch it be for you dis it because I love that show and so do many others

My sister and weird cuz were crimping there hair at my house and now they think it's coming back! Well mail me what you think of crimping! I will have a page up on your views of crimping!

This is my and your views on Cripming!

There's a new contest! Check the cripming views out!

Now for some great music!

Titanic Song

Now I know I there hardly any music on here so mail me if you have more some more!!!!

Hmmm how come my friends and cousin have writen storys? I want one to so I'm going to write one. I am so totaly into Hanson storys. I HATE hanson and think they bite but the fictional stories are great! So I'm going to write one and everyone's going to love it! yeah! love it! Well I will start that now k? Friday May 1st is the start of my story so TTFN.

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I'm writing HTML code for my web ring! It's now finnished,so working Please join it! I have been working hard on this so again plesae join!

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