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Your Stuff

This page is for anything you want! You mail me with anything and I'll put it on! I'm working on putting on wavs right now and should have them on by the end of the week. Good for me.Alex (hint hint)I can put a picture of *yuck* hanson on here for you! Well you mail me and I'll put it on. Well I did get a meaning 1 and I wish there was more than 1 but I only got 1 e-mail about stuff to put on this page! Well thanks Libby. Libby wishes me to put her story on my page and wow I got around to it so, please go read Libby's story she's really talented in writing stories so please read it you'll like it I promise! The address to her story and to her page are at the bottem of this page in the link area. Now hmmmm today I found out my cuz and her best friend are writing a story so that address is in the link to. Well I don't know what to say but I'll keep updating this page so keep coming back!!

Do you drink coffee in the morning? Did you know it only has 8KJ of energy which is the smallest amoust of enery found in food! Butter has more KJ's of energy! Well you should not JUST have coffee but something different too!

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LE FastCounter

This is for Alex, my favorite cousin! (maybe!) I hate hanson, but! this is for Alex! Not me!

Now Alex I stole this pic of your page, but I thought you would like on my page so others could see. Now do u have a pic or idea you want on this page?

Mail ME anything you want to see on this page or ideas! thank you!
