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What'll I get when I finish the course?

Actually, you get two things!

The first is a diploma in Children's Ministry from Emmanuel Training Institute.


You'll get the knowledge and "know-how" like you've never had before to pursue your kid's ministry dreams!

I would suggest additional training in Bible and related topics if you're not already steeped in such. As this institue seeks to minister to the entire body of Christ, I have two suggestions as to where to accomplish this. If you come from the Pentecostal/Charismatic school of thought and interpetation, then I would suggest St. Luke Evangelical School of Biblical Studies. If you're of the traditional school of thought relative to Christianity, then I suggest The Foundation for Biblical Studies. Either one can be reached simply by clicking on the name. And both are located entirely online so that you can work on them as time allows. And both are FREE so that they can be used by volunteers with very finite resources!

Earn while you learn!


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