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What 's in our course?

Our course is made up of several principles, which form the basis of a effective children's ministry, whether it's as a Children's Church Teacher, a Sunday School Teacher, or any other kind of teacher for that matter! As long as you teach kids, then you need to know these principles! In addition to the principles, there are are few other things like discipline that you also need to know! In order to take a look at each one, click on the principle listed below!

They are;

First things first!

Relating to Kids!

Age level characteristics of kids



Other ways to teach a foundation


How to start a new kid's ministry


How to "spice up" an existing kid's ministry!

Discipline, and other things...

When you finish our course, you will have a good foundation in the "basics" of what makes a really good Children's Minister/Teacher!

I would suggest that you print out each principle as you get to it, and put them in a notebook, and when you're finished, you'll have an invaluable reference!

After looking over the various areas covered, you can do one of 3 things. You can;

a) Click on this word, and register now. Understand that registration has it's benefits, that are listed on the registation page.

b) Click on any of the areas that you would like some help with


c) Pass on by, and doom yourself to an uninspiring and uninteresting kid's ministry!

Earn while you learn!


The institute's homepage
Strong Foundation Ministries Homepage (The Kid Doctor's Ministry)