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Historic Sites in Beaufort County South Carolina

Photo By Sharon Hutton

The Ruins of Old Sheldon Church.

At the top of the list is The Ruins of Old Sheldon Prince William's Parish Church still stand along the old road to Beaufort, SC. Built in 1745, burned in 1779 by the British, rebuilt in 1787, and burned once more in 1865 by the Federal Army. Sheldon Church was named for the ancestral home of the Bull family in Warwickshire, England. Annual services are still held there the second Sunday after Easter. Visitors are welcome, no camera's during service please. This is one of the most beautiful sights in the entire United States.

Allow your mind to wander and imagine what it would be like in the 1700's as lady's gathered under the stately oaks in their finest dress, while their men tied their hitch and spoke of matters of the day, perhaps the unfair tax of a distant kingdom. Imagine what is was like to speak to an assembly of believers inside these towering walls with massive arches.

Photo By Sharon Hutton

The epitaph on the grave of William Bull of Sheldon reads:

Here lies William Bull of Sheldon. Born 1683, son of Stephen Bull. Honarable Member Colonial House of Commons 1706-1719 Colonel of Berkely County Regiment during the Tuscadora and Yemassee Wars.

Lord Proprietors Deputy 1719. Member and President of Council 1721-1737. Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina 1737-1744. Commissioner under the Church Act. His body lies buried here. Died at Sheldon March 21, 1755.

He and his younger brothers Barnaby and John Bull were commissioners for the building of Sheldon Church.

History of the Church

The Church of Prince William's Parish Known as Sheldon

Built between 1745 and 1755

Burned by the British Army 1779

Rebuilt 1826

Burned by Mr. Sherman 1865

More Pictures of Sheldon Church.


From Savannah: Take I-95 noth to Point South. North on State hwy. 17 to Gardens Corner SC. Left on the old Yamasee River Road. The ruins are on your right 2 miles west of Hwy 17.

From Charleston: Take state Hwy. 17 south from Charleston to Gardens Conner, SC. Turn right on the road to Yemassee SC. The ruins are on your right 2 miles west of Hwy 17.

The Grave of Col. Colcocks

Photo By Sharon Hutton

align=left> Col. Colcocks: The Battle of Honey Hill

Col. Colcocks Grave is located in Stony Creek Cematary in North Western Beaufort County South Carolina near the Beaufort Jasper County Line. From I-95 north or south exit Point South. Go east on highway 17 for 4.3 miles. A dirt road turns off to the right and the cematary is 400 yards back. Looking toward the cematary Col. Colcocks grave is in the right rear. This is hard to find, but well worth the effort.

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