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Map Of Regina

City of Regina Trunked Radio system

The trunked radio system is used by the Regina police service, Regina Fire Department, City of Regina Works and Regina Transit.

855.0375 Data/Voice
855.2875 Data/Voice
855.5375 Data/Voice
855.7875 Data/Voice
853.2875 Voice
854.2875 Voice
854.7875 Voice
857.0375 Voice
853.5375 Phone patch
853.7875 Phone patch
854.0375 Phone patch

City of Regina Talkgroups

Regina City Police
100-0 - Fleet-Wide Broadcast
100-1 - Channel 1A (Main Dispatch)
100-2 - Channel 2A (CPIC/Records Check)
100-3 - Channel 3A (Stolen Vehicle Media Alerts)
100-4 - Channel 4A (CID)
100-5 - Parking Enforcement
100-7 - TAC 1
100-8 - TAC2
100-9 - Mobile Family Services
100-10 - DVP Scrambling
100-11 - DVP Scrambling
100-13 - CITY ONE - Police/Fire/EMS Common Channel
100-15 - 4B Tactical
Regina Fire Department 200-1 - Channel 1A Main Dispatch
200-2 - Channel 1B Tactical
200-3 - Channel 2A Tactical
200-4 - Channel 2B Tactical
200-5 - Channel 3A EMS Common Channel
200-6 - Channel 3B
200-7 - Channel 4A
200-8 - Channel 4B Administration
Regina Emergency Medical Services 200-9 - EMS Ambulance - Station Alerting
200-10 - EMS Ambulance - Channel 1A - Dispatch
200-11 - EMS Ambulance - Channel 2A - Regina General Hospital Emergency
200-12 - EMS Ambulance - Channel 3A - Pasqua Hospital Emergency
200-14 - EMS Ambulance - Channel 6A - TAC1
200-15 - EMS Ambulance - Channel 8A - Supervisors
City of Regina Public Works 300-1 - Public Works (snow removal/street maintenance, others?)
300-2 - Public Works (street maintenance)
300-3 - City Of Regina
300-4 - City Of Regina
300-6 - City Of Regina
300-7 - Sewage Treatment
300-15 - Regina Humane Society - Animal Control
City of Regina, Transit Serices 400-1 - Regina Paratransit Service Channel A
400-2 - Regina Paratransit Service Channel B
400-3 - Regina Transit Channel A
400-4 - Regina Transit - Channel 1B
400-5 - Regina Transit - Mechanics, Supervisors
400-10 - Digital transmissions
500-0 - Wascana Centre Authority
501-1 - Regina Correctional Centre Prisoner Escort
City of Regina, Parks and Recreation 600-1 - Parks & Recreation
600-2 - Parks & Recreation
600-3 - Parks & Recreation
600-4 - Parks & Recreation
600-7 - Regina Fire Department? Greenhouse?
600-9 - Parks & Recreation - Field House & Lawson Aquatic Centre
600-10 - Parks & Recreation - Lawson Aquatic Centre; others?

Regina City Police Service Complaint Codes
900 Assult
901 Bomb threat
902 Break and Enter
903 Dangerous Driver
904 Drugs
905 Fraud
906 Homicide
907 Impaired Driver
908 Threatning or Annoying Phone Calls
909 Robbery
910 Sex Offenses
911 Theft
912 Threatning
913 Weapons Offense
914 Willful Damage/Mischief
915 Other Criminal code
916 Abduction
917 Indecent Act
918 Auto Theft
919 Prostution
920 Alarm
921 Labour Dispute
923 Domestic Dispute
924 Escapee(s)
925 Escourt(s)/ Errand(s)
926 Fights
927 Intoxicated Person(s)
928 Landlord/ tenant Dispute
929 Liquor Act Complaint
930 Lost or Found
931 Missing Person(s)
932 Property Check
933 Prowler
934 Sudden Death
935 Sucide
936 Suspicious Person(s)
937 Suspicious Vehicle(s)
938 Unwanted Guest(s)
939 Special Inquiry
940 Arrest Citizen
941 Compassinate to Locate
942 Insecure Premises
943 Abanoned Vehicle
944 Breach Probation/ Parole
945 Shoplifting
946 Injured/ Sick Person
947 Arrest on Warrant
948 Noisy Party Complaint
949 Motor Vehicle Accident Fatality
950 Industrial Accident
951 Motor Vehicle Accident, Person Injured
952 Motor Vehicle Accident, Property Damage, No Injuries
953 Hit and Run
954 Fail to Report a Motor Vehicle Accident
955 Highway Traffic Act
956 Parking Complaint
957 Dog Bylaws
958 Other Municpal Bylaw
959 Other Provincial Statutes
960 Assist Other police
961 Assist Fire Department/ Ambulance
963 911 Call Check
999 Critical Incident
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