Fire Department
Police Department
10-1 Recieving poorly
10-2 Recieving well
10-3 Stop Transmitting
10-4 Ok
10-5 Relay Message
10-6 Busy, Stand by
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat message
10-10 Mental Subject
10-11 Homicide
10-12 Suicide
10-13 Assault
10-16 Theft
10-20 Break and Enter
10-22 Cancel
10-23 Return to...
10-26 Fight
10-28 Driver's Licence Check
10-29 Vehicle Check
10-30 Subject Check
10-31 Subject has Warrant
10-32 Subject Negative
10-33 Urgent, Need Assistance
10-34 Assistance needed at
10-36 Shoplifter
10-37 911 call-party has hung up
10-48 Domestic Dispute
10-49 Industrual Accident
10-50 MVA-No Injuries
10-51 MVA-Injuries
10-64 Caution
We don't have the codes for the Saskatoon Fire Department or Ambulance If you have these codes please E-mail them to us