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Weres Links

The WereWeb - a must visit for any serious were.

The Werewolf Page - A good spot for lore and such, but the messageboard is the truly outstanding part of this site.

Off Center Enterprises - nice site. Lots of content goodness, espcially in the art gallery. This guy puts in a lot of work though it hasn't been updated for a bit.

The Official Werebeast Support Page - While still needing a bit of completion, it's got several good essays on what a were is and a bit of shifting. There is a huge test for phenotyping, but is incomplete.

Darkwinds Realm - This site, done by a were and good friend of mine has some nice essays on weres, dragons, gods, Fae and other topics. Also has artwork and lots of Midis..

The Werelist - A kind of yellowpages of the Were community.

The Ormonde Wood - Run by a Werelinx, this dark page is the home to the Feline FAQ for the AHWW newsgroup.

AHWW - the Alt.Horror.Werewolves newsgroup on usenet. A bit of a mess generally, but a good place to meet other weres.

The Shapeshifter and Werewolf Handbook - a guide to weres, folklore, and lycanthropy.

Shadows' Den of the Supernatural - The original site that spawned this one.

Transformation Story Archive - A resource for were and transformation stories.

The Werebeasts' Ring Index- Over 70 were related sites

Vampires Links

Sanguinarius: The Vampire Support Page - one of the best sites I've seen on real vampirism. Although somewhat vague it does give you a strong sense of what real vampires are like.

The Vampire Support Webring - An excellent webring with many sites relating to real vampires.

The Vampire White Pages - A good place to contact vampires, though beware. As with contacting anyone over the net, be sure that you know who you are dealing with.

Real Vampires - A very interesting site set up as a series of lessons.

Dragon Links

Polenth's Weir

Jae's Dragon

Tser's Weyr

Here Be Dragons

The Mystic Dragon


Mystical Places

The site

AFD - newsgroup

Friends Links

Onexea Technologies Incorperated - My brother's homepage. A Company producing all kinds of new equipment for the Rifts RPG. Give it a visit!

Virtual Insanity Pages - My good buddies HP. Lots of varies topics.

Zamara's CyberHome - A close and personal friend for mine. Her little place on the web.

If you have a link you'd like to add to Shadow's post it on the Free-for-all links!



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