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Virtual vs Practicing Weres

This particular topic arose from a discussion I had with a frusterated coyote. An interesting a important topic to address I feel. Many people visit this page looking for something. Many people skim the writings I have here and then thought 'yeah, that sounds like me' taking it all at face value.And I realized something.

I never really addressed what being a were MEANT.

Little oversight there.. Oops forgive me.

What this fellow was frusterated about was the amount of Virtual Weres floating about in cyberspace. Claiming this and that without having a deeper understanding of what being a were REALLY means, spiritually. The computer shuts down and the 'beast within' shuts down with it. Many of these people are outcast, misfits, looking for a place to belong, a friendly cyberhug, and a open ear. They want to be something more than they are, they want to belong to something. They need something to believe in. And so they read a few pages on weres and decide they feel much as Weres do. So they figure they are a were.

A practicing or real were is one who has( but not nessisarily ) discovered it off-line, in the real world. Being a were to them isn't something you do for an hour or two in the day, it is a way of being. It's not an easy one either, full of turbulance, doubt, hard searching, and hard knocks. Being were is that. Being. Not just saying 'I'm a werewolf' on-line, it is actually BEING a werewolf real time. It's a part of your life. it's the way you are. It is what you are.

Being a virtual were is kinda like being a virtual wiccan. You can recite the books, spew the slang, but still miss the spirituality underlying it, the real meaning that brings enlightnement.

Now don't get me wrong here. I'm not slagging those who are 'virutal weres' what I'm saying is that you don't know yet. Your wearing a coat to see if you like it. You haven't bought it yet, you don't know if you REALLY want to wear it. But you have to let people know that. It's the same as saying 'I don't know yet', and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with saying you don't know. To say you don't know is to seek to learn, and that is what will give you the knowlege, your truth to answer your question to if you are a Real Were or not.

Take nothing at face value, question always. Keep an open mind, and open ear and a grain of salt handy. Learn, listen, reflect. Please don't take my writings as gospel, they only the findings of ONE Tigress. If you do not seek always, you never find what you came here for. Good luck.

Are you a Werebeast?




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