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The Frantics

The Frantics

August 1997

Here come the Frantics. You're going to be hearing a lot about them for the next couple hundred years, so be prepared. These guys rock, and they rock hard. Here's my lame ass interview with Kevin and Anthony

Skunk Girl: State your name, age, what you play, and if you had to have a vegetable growing out of your head, which one would it be.
Anthony: You want my social security too?
Kevin: This would be a question? You're freaking me out, Amber. Why age? We might want 16 year olds.
SG: So? 16 year olds would want you anyway.
K: Kevin, Guitar, Corn.
A: My favorite what?
SG: Your name...
A: My favorite name?
SG: Your fuckin name...argh, nevermind.
A: Name unknown, I play with myself, and Okra.

SG: What albums do you have out and on what label?
K: We haven't put out an album.
SG: Okay, what 7"s do you have out?
K: We have the first one, the second one, and the third one.
SG: I have to do this for the people that don't know who you are! I mean, I know who you are, but there might be some people that don't know who you are! (I need better interviewing skills)
K: Okay, okay. The first two, She's a Drag and Playing Dumb...they're on Wedge, and the third one is Downtown Delirium and it's on Mutant Pop (since then, they have put out a 10" and a CD)

SG: I've heard you guys a lot, but for some people who don't know, what would you say your music sounds like?
K: Um, it's hard cuz it's weird. It's like very mixed up, but it's all rock n' roll. It's not just like punk, it's kind of twisted.

SG: Who are your influences, or do you have any?
K: Every single band.
A: If you don't rock, you're not our influence.

SG: What do you think about skunks?
K: Well you're a skunk and I like you pretty well.

SG: So how was tour for you guys?
A: It sucked a big rotten corpse cock.
SG: Are people not coming out to shows?
K: What matters is we broke down like twice, and we had to come back two weeks early. But it's good because we got to drive 2800 miles non stop and not many people do that.
SG: Shows were good?
K: Some, but when you're a band of our status, not all shows are gonna be kick ass.

SG: You seem to be pretty popular here. I see kids with your t-shirts and stuff. How does that make you feel? Do you get excited or anything?
K: No, I don't, because when i wear a Rehabs shirt, I just think of it as a t-shirt.

SG: What are your lyrics about?
K: They're about everything except hooking up with chicks.
SG: Do you talk about love?
K: Sometimes, but not always the pros, the cons maybe.

Clay: Would you like to succeed in the punk rock music biz, sir?
K: If there's a lot of blow jobs! What a typical answer for a punk rocker! Fuck yeah!
SG: That was a special guest appearance by Clay. What do you play in your band?
C: Battling alcoholic.
SG: Well that was a really good question. Anthony, do you have any words?
A: Chicken and cheese make nice grease.

SG: What was your favorite cartoon show as a kid?
K: Voltron!
A: Well that's a tough decision between the Snorks and G.I. Joe

SG: Favorite video game
K: Hell, a Cyberpunk Thriller
SG: Hell, a cyberpunk thriller.
K: You're freaking me out, that's the name of the game
SG: Oh, it is?
K: It was awesome, took months to beat.
A: Chiquita Banana!

SG: Your Huddle House days...are they over?
K: They're basically gone, but every now and then we get in that mood and do it for a night. We bowl a lot now.
SG: What is your highest score right now?
K: 90's and 100's.
A: We also like to get messed up and play video games. Metimucil fiber juice...tastes like Tang and makes ya loose! I have a retarded Uncle Leroy that smells of butt crack with cheese sauce.

SG: Favorite movie ever?
C: Rocky I and Deep Inside Me!
A: Daisy May
SG: Any final statements?
K: Smoke more crack.
A: um, bye.

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