I'm from up North where punks are usually cool people. From what I understand down South the punk boys are not so nice. I have amassed some theories on this phenomenon which I will lay out in a haphazard unorganized fashion which will probably confuse you, the humble reader, into complete and total mental breakdown.
One theory I came up with (when I heard about Southern punk boys beating up punk girls) is an obvious one. Why are guys in general usually nice to girls? The answer is that if you're not nice to girls you tend to never get laid (unless you're a complete and total asshole and then you get the nice girls-don't ask me why that is, it's just an observation). Apparantly southern punk boys have sisters and what they say about the south is true!!!(Or at least cousins) Therefore they don't have to worry about it. There is a saying "Why walk down the street when you can just walk across the hall."
Another theory is that they are just plain stupid. Having lived in the south and seen real live southern rednecks in action, that is a distinct possibility. Really, they eat fucking pork rinds and watch car racing. I didn't notice a great deal of IQ during a stay.
Maybe its something in the water, or the before mentioned pork rinds.
Perhaps they are practicing for a future as trailer trash. There's a lot of that up here, too (you should see my father's side of the family).
Here's an interesting theory: Maybe they are closet queers who are sexually frustrated.
A final theory (and the most likely one) would be they aren't punks, but some stupid little shits who are just "trying to be different and express themselves." Small minded tough guys cut from the same fabric as the rich kid preppy jocks from up here. The style of dress may be different. The music may be different. The asshole attitude remains the same. Little fucking mama's boys out to impress their little fucking friends by acting stupid and violent (a common media inspired misnomer about "punk behavior"). They are the same as the imbred idiots who saw Geraldo and decided to hate blacks and be a "skinhead" never even knowing the original skins were black and non political, making white power skins both hypocrites and not even kins when you get right down to it. I guess that means the Southern punk boys are not really punks but clones too quick to conform to the media image. I think punk girls should learn Kung Fu and kick their collective ass. And no, I'm not the least bit afraid of going down south to visit my daughter, because I'm not a girl so I know none of the southern punk boys will have the balls to start any shit with me- not to mention I know Kung Fu!
A quick sorry to any cool punk guys from the south. I met a few while there. But there is a higher concentration of the stereotype I tore apart down there, too. If you're offended, swing from a rope and plant your head up my ass for all I care.
Also, any of you southern punk boys ever hit my daughter I'll be there to show you a new world of pain with my deadly Kung Fu- Especially since she's only a few months old!