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Control and Alter Powers

Accelerate Another's Healing
Control Another's Disease
Control Another's Pain
Control Breathing
Detoxify Poison in Another
Feed on Dark Side
Force Lightning
Inflict Pain
Place Another in Hibernation Trance
Remove Another's Fatigue
Return Another to Conscousness
Transfer Force

Accelerate Another’s Healing

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy.

Required Powers: Control another’s pain

Time to use: One minute

Effect: The target is allowed to make extra healing rolls, as outlined in accelerate healing. The Jedi must be touching the character whenever he attempts a healing roll.

Control Another’s Disease

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by relationship

Alter Difficulty: Same as control disease

Required Powers: Accelerate healing, control disease

Time to Use: 30 minutes to several uses over the course of several weeks.

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to heal another character, using the same rules and conditions as outlined in control disease. The Jedi must be touching the character to be healed.

Control Another’s Pain

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity and relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters; Moderate for incapacitated characters; Difficult for mortally wounded characters

Required Powers: Control pain

This power can be kept "up." If the power is dropped, the character suffers pain and penalties normally.

Effect: A Jedi can use this power to ease the pain of another and functions in the same manner as the control pain power.

A wounded character who has his pain controlled can act as if he has taken no wounds starting with the round after the power roll is made. The wounds are not healed, but the character suffers no pain from his injuries and does not suffer from the penalties of being wounded (-1D to all actions, for example).

However, the character is still injured and will suffer additional injuries normally. When a character who has had his pain controlled and is injured again, a new power roll must be made at the higher difficulty to see if the pain can be controlled.

Control Breathing

Control Difficulty: Moderate

Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult

Required Powers: Concentration, hibernation trance, telekinesis

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to control the amount of oxygen flowing into his or her body. The Jedi takes control of the surrounding atmosphere, pulling oxygen molecules through the skin and into the lungs. With this power the Jedi can effectively breathe underwater, and conversely, a water breather could survive on land. In game terms, this power negates the need for a breath mask, mechgill, or any rebreather gear. In the cold of space or a hard vacuum, however this power would be of little use even if the Jedi could somehow survive the drastic changes in pressure or the extreme temperatures, there is mot enough oxygen in these environments for a Jedi to "grab."

The power will remain up until the character either takes incapacitating damage or willfully drops it.

Detoxify Poison in Another

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for very mild poison (such as alcohol); Easy for a mild poison; Moderate for an average poison; Difficult for a virulent poison; Very Difficult to Heroic for a neurotoxin.

Required Powers: Accelerate healing, accelerate another’s healing, control pain, control another’s pain, detoxify poison

Time to use: 5 minutes

Effect: This power allows the Jedi to remove or detoxify poison from a patient’s body faster than is normally possible. While using this power, the Jedi must remain in physical contact with the patient. As long as the Jedi is in contact with the target, that person is considered immune to the effects of the poison. Failure to make the required control and alter difficulty checks or breaking physical contact during the use of the power wounds the patient.

Feed On the Dark Side

Control Difficulty: Moderate when made active; Very Easy for each round thereafter.

Alter Difficulty: Moderate when raised; no roll for prior rounds.

Required Powers: Sense Force

Warning: Any Jedi who makes this power active automatically receives a Dark Side Point.

This power may be kept "up."

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to feed on the fear, hatred or other negative emotions of others to make himself more powerful. It does not matter to the Dark Side why the others are filled with dark emotion; the feelings alone suffice.

In game terms, in any round in which a character using this power is in the presence of a Light Side Force-sensitive who gains a Dark Side Point, the character gains a Dark Side Point and a Force Point. If multiple characters gain Dark Side Points in the same round, the character gains multiple Force Points. These Force Points must be spent within five minutes of being received.

This is a power that Dark Jedi use to gain power from the anger and hatred they cause in their foes. For player characters who are quick to anger, it is impossible to die-roll their way out of this situation. The only way they can stop a Jedi from gaining extra Force Points from this power is not to give into the Dark Side. This can be extremely difficult, particularly as there is nothing to stop the Dark Jedi from doing everything in his power to provoke these negative emotions. This might include deception, butchering innocents, taunts, insults, treats against characters, their friends, families, home planet or base, and anything else that is likely to make them call on the Dark Side.

Players who are unable to think of a better way of defeating a Dark Jedi than by brute force are very likely to be destroyed if faced with this power. Avoid overuse of this power, as it can severely disrupt game balance if not used in moderation.

Force Lightning

Warning: A Jedi who uses this power for any reason immediately gains a Dark Side Point.

Control Difficulty: Difficult, as modified by proximity. Limited to line of sight.

Alter Difficult: Perception or Control roll of target.

Effect: This power is a corruption of the Force. When used, it produces bolts of white or blue energy that fly from the user’s fingertips like sorcerous lightning. These bolts tear through their target, causing painful wounds. As this power is Force-generated, it can be Force-repelled using dissipate energy.

Force lightning courses over and into its target, convulsing the target with pain, siphoning off his power, and eventually killing him. Armor does not protect a character from Force lightning. Force lightning causes 1D of damage for each 2D of alter the user has (round down-a character with alter of 5D would cause 2D damage with Force lightning).

Inflict Pain

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity.

Alter Difficulty: Target’s control or Perception roll. Modified by proximity.

Required Powers: Control pain, life sense

Warning: A character who uses this power immediately receives a Dark Side Point.

Effect: The target experiences great agony. The user causes damage by roll their alter skill, while the target resists damage with their control, Perception or willpower. Damage is figured as if the attack was a stun attack, although if the target suffers any damage at all, they are so crippled by pain that they are incapable of acting for the rest of the round and the next round.

Place Another in Hibernation Trance

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity.

Required Powers: hibernation trance

Time to Use: Five minutes

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to put another character into a hibernation trance. The affected character must be in physical contact with the power’s user and must agree to be "shut down"-this power cannot be used as an attack to knock others unconscious.

This power can be used to bring another character out of a hibernation trance, but the alter difficulty is increased by +10.

Remove Another’s Fatigue

Control Difficulty: Easy

Alter Difficulty: Moderate. Modified by proximity and relationship.

Required Powers: Accelerate healing, accelerate another’s healing, control pain, control another’s pain, remove fatigue.

Effect: This power allows the Jedi to remove the effects of fatigue in another. However, unlike the basic power, the Jedi must wait until the target is actually fatigued, before offering assistance. Hence the penalties for failing a stamina check can be counteracted, but must be addressed as they occur.

Return Another to Consciousness

Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated characters; Difficult for mortally wounded characters.

Required Powers: Remain conscious

Effect: The target returns to consciousness. The target has the same restrictions as imposed by the remain conscious power.

Transfer Force

Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by relationship. Modified by proximity.

Alter Difficulty: Moderate.

Required Power: Control another’s pain

Time to use: One minute

Effect: This power will save a mortally wounded character from dying because the Jedi is transferring his life force to the target. When a character has force transferred to him, he remains mortally wounded, but he will not die provided he is not injured again. The character is in hibernation, and will stay alive in this state for up to six weeks. The Jedi must be touching the target character when the power is activated.

When this power is used, the user must spend a Force Point (this is the life force that is transferred to the target). This use is always considered heroic, so the character will get the Force Point back at the end of the adventure.

The recipient of this power must be willing.

The Force