Life Bond
Lightsaber Combat
Projective Telepathy
Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity. Add +5 to +20 to the difficulty if the character wishes to see into the past. Add +10 to +30 or more if the character wishes to see into the future.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if the target is friendly and does not resist. If the target resists, make a control or Perception total for the difficulty. Modified by relationship.
Required Powers: Life sense
Time to use: At least one minute
Effect: The user sees the person or place he wishes to see in his mind as the situation currently exists. The power can also see the immediate surroundings, and so can know, for example, when a friend is in danger, or what has happened to his home planet in his absence.
Farseeing requires calm conditions and at least one minute, but often takes a few minutes. Farseeing cannot be done in the face of danger. The Jedi’s visions may not be entirely accurate:
Power roll = Past/
Sense Difficulty Present Future
0-10 50% 10%
11-20 75% 25%
21-30 90% 50%
31+ 100% 75%
The past and present are set and it is merely a matter of the Jedi having correct perceptions. However, the future is always fluid, always in motion, never set until it becomes the present-therefore it is much harder to predict. The percentages on the chart are a rough measure of how much correct information the character receives in their vision.
For example, 10% means that the character will only be able to make out the most basic details of a situation, such as "My friends are in danger." 25% means that the Jedi gets a somewhat accurate vision of what will transpire, but most major details will be missing from the vision. 50% means that the character’s vision was half right. 75% means the character has an understanding of the critical happenings, but the character still has missed a major detail or two, which of course, can complicate things. 90% means that the character has a very accurate and very detailed vision of what has or will transpires. 100% means that the character’s vision is even more accurate and detailed, complete with minor, almost trivial details.
When a character farsees into the future, the gamemaster has to make an honest effort to correctly represent what will happen: if the characters get a 75% result, the gamemaster must try to predict what he thinks the characters will do and what the outcome will be. Of course, since the future is so fluid, things are always subject to change. Farseeing is a great mechanic for the gamemaster to reveal part of the story-enough to tantalize the players, without ruining the story.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: See Below. Modified by proximity.
Required Powers: Life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy
This power may be kept up.
Effect: A Jedi character may choose the life bond power to permanently form a mental link with one other individual, normally a mate (although sometimes siblings, parent and child, or even very close friends choose to life bond).
Detailed information can be learned by activating the power. If both characters have the life bond power, reduce all sense difficulties by one level (although both characters must still roll for life bond to achieve the benefits listed below). The following benefits are only in effect when the characters are actively using the life bond power.
On an Easy sense roll, the Force-user is aware of the other’s general location and general emotional state: whether the person is frightened, in pain, injured, happy, or experiencing some other strong emotion.
On a Moderate sense roll, the Force-user experiences the other’s senses: he or she sees through the other’s eyes, hears what the other hears, and smells, tastes, and feels what the other person is experiencing. however, at this level, the characters are affected by each other’s experiences-both characters share pain, and if one character is injured, the other character suffers an injury one level lower (if one character is Mortally Wounded, the life bonded character is incapacitated).
On a Difficult sense roll, the Force-user is considered telepathically linked to the life bond partner and can read the surface thoughts of the other if the other is willing to share those thoughts (as per the receptive telepathy power), allowing the characters to carry on a telepathic conversation.
On a Very Difficult sense roll, the Force-user can send thoughts to the life bonded partner (as per the projective telepathy power), allowing the characters to carry on a telepathic conversation.
As an added benefit, the two characters can have premonitions about each other: for example, if one character is severely injured, his other life bond partner will sense that something bad has happened. This aspect of the life bond power is modified by proximity only, as outlined below. Sensing premonitions is automatic if within 11,000 kilometers of each other. If on the same planet but more than 1,000 kilometers from each other, a Very Easy sense roll is necessary to sense premonitions. If not on the same planet but in the same star system, an Easy sense roll is necessary to sense premonitions. If not in the same star system but within 10 light-years, a Moderate sense roll is required. If more than 10 light-years but less than 100 light-years away, a Difficult sense roll is necessary. If more than 100 light-years away from each other, a Very Difficult sense roll is necessary.
Life bonded characters may not share skills, attributes, Force points, Character Points. However, since the do have such a close bond, the actions of one can affect the other. If a life bonded character commits an evil action, the Jedi partner receives a Dark Side Point even though these actions were not the Jedi’s fault. Obviously, life bonding is an exceeding serious commitment, and not to be taken lightly.
Both characters must agree to the life bond for the power to work and a character may only life bond with one other individual. Life bonding takes 1D weeks to complete (as the Jedi becomes accustomed to the background Force presence of the life bond partner). During that time, the Jedi’s control is -1D. The life bond power may not be activated until the bond is completely formed.
Death is the only means of severing the life bond. If one member of a life bonded couple is killed, the surviving partner enters a near-catatonic state of shock of 1D days. After re-awakening, the partner grieves and readjusts to solitary existence; all die codes are reduced by -1D for the same amount of time it took to forge the life bond.
Any attempt to forge a new life bond in the future requires a much longer period of adjustment: 2D weeks for a second bond, 3D weeks for a third bond, and so forth.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
This power may be kept "up.
Effect: To use a lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi learns this power. The Jedi uses this power both to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing his opponent's actions through his connection to the Force.
This power is called upon at the start of a battle and remains "up" until the Jedi is stunned or injured; a Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring the power back "up."
If the Jedi is successful in using this power, the Jedi adds his sense dice to his lightsaber skill roll when trying to hit a target or parry, and he adds or subtracts up to the number of his control dice to the lightsaber's 5D damage when it hits in combat. Players must decide how many control dice they are adding or subtracting before they roll damage.
If the Jedi fails the power roll, he must use the lightsaber with only his lightsaber skill to hit and the weapon's normal damage in combat and he cannot attempt to use the power again for the duration of the combat.
Finally, the Jedi may use lightsaber combat to parry blaster bolts. To do this, the character must declare that he is parrying
that round, using his lightsaber skill as normal.
The Jedi may also attempt to control where deflected blaster bolts go, although this counts as an additional action. The Jedi must declare which specific shot he is controlling. Then, once the roll is made to see if the blaster bolt was parried by the Jedi, the Jedi makes a control roll, with the difficulty being his new target's dodge or the range (figured from the Jedi to the target). The damage is that of the original blaster bolt.
Example: Gerrick is entering lightsaber combat, and has a lightsaber skill of 4D, a control of 3D and a sense of 2D+2. If Gerrick makes his Moderate control roll and his Easy sense roll, he gets to add his control to his lightsaber skill in combat, so he would fight and parry with a skill of 7D. He would also add his sense to the lightsaber's normal damage of 5D, for a new damage of 7D+2. These bonuses are in effect until Gerrick drops the power or is stunned or injured and forced to drop the power However, since the power is "up, " Gerrick subtracts -2D from all actions while using the power.
If Gerrick wants to deflect blaster bolts during a round, in the declaration phase he must say that he is lightsaber parrying and that he will attempt to deflect a specific shot back at someone standing only four meters away. The attacker is 20 meters away and using a blaster pistol (4D damage).
First, Dave, Gerrick's player must wait and see if his lightsaber parry was good enough to deflect the blaster bolt out of the way. If he does parry, Gerrick can now attempt to deflect the bolt He must make an additional control roll, at -2D (because lightsaber combat is still up), but since his target is only four meters away, which is short range for blaster pistol, his difficulty is only a 6. Gerrick rolls his die - and gets a 6. He hits the target with the reflected blaster bolt, which does 4D damage (normal damage for the weapon).
Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Increase difficulty by +5 to +10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he is transmitting (he is gagged, doesn't want to make a sound). Modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist. If target resists, roll Perception or control roll to determine the difficulty. Modified by relationship.
Required Power: Receptive telepathy
Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects his thoughts, the target "hears" his thoughts and "feels" his emotions. The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't "verbally" identify himself, the target doesn't know who is projecting thoughts to him. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them.